Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,39

the barbarians arm and face. The guardian howled in pain as it crashed to the floor and writhed there in agony and as it did so a fierce exultation flowed through the Calthian. He knew now that this thing could be killed, just like any other beast of flesh and blood.

He threw his head back and yelled his wild war cry as the guardian lurched back onto its misshapen feet. Filled with rage and bloodlust it charged the puny human who had inflicted such pain upon it. Never in all the long centuries of its existence had any mortal managed to strike it. Always they had stood, numbed with horror, until it was too late. This one however had caused it pain and for that it would die as none of the others had. They had perished quickly but this one would linger long before it was granted the mercy of death.

Asgoleth watched the guardian as it charged clumsily towards him then with expert timing, he leapt high into the air. As he jumped he slashed downwards with his blade and once more the creature howled as the knife sank deeply into its back. A massive clawed hand lashed out and despite Asgoleth's speed he was caught by the blow and sent hurtling across the chamber to crash heavily into the rough hewn stone wall. Momentarily stunned he slid to the floor and then the monster was upon him.

Across the floor they rolled in a tangle of arms and legs with the monsters jaws snapping in front of Asgoleth's face. Only the mighty strength of the young barbarians arm kept those fangs at bay. Cursing and snarling Asgoleth fought on, every bit as savage as the inhuman thing he battled.

In the hideous red light claws and teeth gleamed and steel flashed as Asgoleth's blade rose and fell, sinking into flesh with every blow. He was amazed at the terrible vitality of the brute. Already it had taken enough punishment to kill ten men but still it battled on with undiminished vigour and he knew that if it did not die soon he was finished. He could feel his arm begin to weaken and saw the things teeth edging nearer to his throat. If they reached their target it would be all over. Grimly he fought on putting all of his remaining strength behind his blade, seeking some vital spot within the thing.

Again and again he stabbed and all the time those deadly fangs drew nearer. Then, suddenly, the guardian grunted and Asgoleth saw agony and astonishment in its baleful red eyes followed by a terrible fear. The guardian gave a coughing gasp and blood sprayed from its mouth. It stiffened and Asgoleth tore himself free from its weakening grasp and sprang backwards. He raised his dagger, ready to stab out once again but then he saw that the battle was over.

The guardian lay on the floor, writhing in its death throes in a widening pool of blood. Its mouth open in a silent scream of agony and rage as it prepared to travel the same road down which it had sent so many before it. Its red eyes glittered with malevolent hatred as it gazed upon its slayer and then the light in those eyes slowly faded away until, with a final shudder, the huge body slumped and lay still as death finally claimed it.

Asgoleth stood, chest heaving and looked down upon his fallen enemy. Then he stiffened with horror as he watched the monsters body, no longer protected by ancient spells to ward off times ravages, crumble swiftly into decay and dust.

Wearily he retrieved the Heart of Ra from the corner of the chamber then turned and looked at the entrance. He saw his sword lying upon the trigger mechanism and saw that the blade was snapped. He growled deep in his throat at the sight. It had been a good weapon and had served him well for a long time. He would make Demos pay for its loss.

One monster lay slain at his back but he knew that yet another still awaited him outside and the sooner he dealt with it the better it would be for everyone. Wasting no more time he sprang through the doorway and landed safely on the other side of the trigger mechanism. He glanced back regretfully at his shattered sword then, with a grim scowl upon his face; he turned and began to walk back towards the light.


Demos smiled as the Copyright 2016 - 2024