Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,29

almost upon him when he remembered the bag of stolen loot he had taken from the robber. He unslung it and lobbed it at them.

‘Here dogs, a gift from Asgoleth of Calthia.’

As it flew through the air its contents fell, sparkling and tinkling to the cobbled pave. The soldiers, at sight of this unexpected wealth halted in their tracks. They looked at the tall, powerful barbarian with upraised sword ready to deal death and then at the scattered treasure at their feet. They made their choice and fell greedily upon the loot.

Asgoleth laughed and kicking the beast’s flanks he galloped away from the scrambling Akonites. At last he reached the broken wall and urged the horse up and over the rubble. Then he was out of the city and riding like the wind.

He cast a glance back and snarled as he thought of Amira still a prisoner. He had failed in his mission and the bitter knowledge burned his soul like acid. He would return for her, this he vowed by Ragnar. And when he did, Demos would die. He galloped away into the night and, for a time; he disappeared from the knowledge of men.


Demos winced with pain as his wounded leg reminded him of its presence. Anger burned in his heart as he thought of the barbarian who had inflicted the wound. If he ever caught the dog he would enjoy watching his slow and agonising death.

A slight sound from behind made him turn towards the open flap of his tent and he grinned, his pain forgotten, as he beheld Amira there. Behind her stretched the bleak and arid landscape of the Blasted Land, a desolate place of death. Long ago this place had been green and fertile and then the Great Destruction had come, leaving behind it this accursed wasteland.

He frowned as he thought of the distance he had yet to travel before he reached the hiding place of The Heart of Ra. For a week now he and his men had wound their way through this harsh and deadly land. Broiling in their armour by day and freezing by night. No sight or sound of life broke the monotony of their journey, for in all that desolation, they were the only living things.

He knew his men feared the demons and monsters that were said to haunt the wastes and a sneer touched his lips. He knew that they feared him more and they were right to do so. His wrath would be far worse than any demons if they should fail to obey him.

He dismissed the armed escort that had brought the princess to him and he grinned as the tent flap closed behind her. She was a lovely thing and he had taken much pleasure in exploring her sensitive mind. He delighted in watching her writhe in torment and horror at the things he showed her, the things he made her do for his amusement.

When his eyes locked with hers she became his helpless puppet, aware of what was happening to her but powerless to stop him. Oh she fought him every time but her mind and will, though strong, were untrained and could not stand against him.

He always won and he took a cruel pleasure in feeling her defences crumble slowly under his onslaught. So it would continue, each time she became inured to one horror he would force his will upon her and expose another level of her mind to exquisite torment. She still had so much to experience, so many levels of her mind to be stripped away. He would enjoy teaching her the true meaning of horror and when he finally tired of her? Well then, she would make a fine sacrifice to Balzar.

That however, lay far in the future. For today she would serve to pass an hour or two. He grinned again and said,

‘Look into my eyes, Amira. Tell me what you see there.’

Only a strangled gasp came from her throat as she strove to avoid his gaze and he laughed at her distress. His voice was low and compelling as he said,

‘Look at me, Amira, look at me.’

Slowly her head turned and beads of sweat ran down her face as she fought against his will but it was useless, her body would not obey her and at last, with a small cry of despair upon her lips, her eyes met his.

She gazed into his black, red flecked eyes and her remaining willpower slipped away from her. She Copyright 2016 - 2024