Arrogant Savior - Terri E. Laine Page 0,6

a total of five minutes’ kind.

When she got on, even through my coat and hers, I swore I felt her soft breasts molded against me. Add her hands sliding around my waist and that made me instantly hard.

Fuck. It would be a good fifteen minutes if we were lucky getting to my place. I felt all kinds of growly knowing nothing satisfying was coming at the end of this journey.



Total utter jerk, but damn, if he wasn’t so insanely sexy I wanted to throttle him. I had to bite my lip when I was forced to straddle the seat behind him. Putting my arms around him and up under his coat against rock-hard muscles nearly had me groaning in anticipation of what it would be like to be underneath him.

Not that it would ever happen. Ever. He was an arrogant ass that didn’t deserve my time. Especially when he didn’t think I was worth his. As if being a pilot made him God’s gift, more like Satan’s gag gift. I would never make that mistake again.

I’d learned my lesson hard. My standards had risen. The next man I was with would be the kind of man I’d marry. Or at least I’d go in without any expectations and no regrets.

A bump in the path broke me out of my thoughts. The ride so far hadn’t been smooth. For the little time I kept my eyes open, I’d barely seen the trees from my side view before we passed them.

Added to that, snow fell like there would be no end, blinding what was ahead. I couldn’t remember a time like this even when I lived in New York.

My face froze first, then my thighs. The raincoat didn’t quite cover enough, and snow had melted on my jeans, letting the chill in. My feet were nearly numb by the time the ATV came to a grinding halt.

For a second, I held there, too cold to move. At his urging, I got into action, albeit very slowly. I felt like a popsicle with two sticks for legs. I was so cold, my eyelashes felt frozen. I barely got a view of the rustic cabin before I was hustled forward.

We stepped inside a dark room.

“Wait here,” he said, his voice sending shivers all over my body.

Why was I attracted to jerks? Hadn’t I learned my lesson with Tripp?

Before I could consider the answers to that question, I was left in a dark room as the closing door shut out the partial moonlight.

I wrapped my arms around me as if that could dispel the frost that seemed to cover me. As my eyes began to somewhat adjust to the darkness, noises like the beginning soundtrack of a horror movie just as the monster made an appearance pierced the silence like thunder. I jumped just before the sounds of an engine preceded light stunning my eyes.

A few blinks later and a smallish room came into focus, adorned with a leather beaten sofa and TV taking up the left side of the room and a small but serviceable kitchen to the back and right. A small table finished out the room. Then a tiny hallway to the right led to what I assumed were the bedroom and bath.

My pilot, who I just realized hadn’t introduced himself, went to the left to start a fire in the hearth below the large TV.

As I stood shivering, I asked, “What’s your name?”

He stilled and turned his head to face me. “Grant,” he said as if it caused him effort to give me that much information about himself.

I rubbed my arms, not sure what to do. My guess was if I complained, he would go back to calling me Highness, which was super annoying.

“You should get out of those wet clothes,” he said without bothering to look at me.

I glanced around, because surely he didn’t think I would get naked in front of him.

He stood, and for the first time, I really took in just how tall he was. In the plane, he’d been stooped. Back at the small airport, I was too mad and frazzled to really pay attention to him. Now, I could appreciate his frame. I wasn’t a small girl. Some considered me tall for a woman, yet he dwarfed me.

“You expect me to get naked here?” I said before my thoughts tumbled back to getting naked with him.

His eyes raked over me like he was disappointed in what he saw. I gritted my teeth and bit back Copyright 2016 - 2024