Arrogant Heir (The Heirs #2) - Michelle Heard Page 0,33

to prosecute Green?”

Officer Lane turns to me, and I remember my manners. Reaching out a hand, I shake hers as I explain, “I’m Jase Reyes. I was the one who found Mila. I gave my statement at the scene.”

“Mr. Reyes, yes, I’ve read your statement. I have some questions for you to answer.” Officer Lane flips open her notebook and asks, “Is now a good time?”

“Yes.” I want to get this over with, so I can get back to Mila.

“Is there someplace private we can talk?” Officer Lane asks Dr. Bower.

“Yes, just down the hall.”

Mr. West takes a step closer to me, and addressing the two women, he says, “I’ll be with my daughter while you question Jase.”

Officer Lane and I follow Dr. Bower to an office. She offers us both a seat, and I’m surprised when she sits down as well. When she sees my questioning gaze on her, she explains, “I’m also here for family and friends, Mr. Reyes. The experience must’ve been traumatizing to you as well.”

Traumatizing is the understatement of the fucking year.

I nod and turn my attention to Officer Lane, which has her asking, “Can you tell me again, in your own words, what happened the night of the attack?”

I didn’t expect that specific question, and it hits me square in the gut. I’ve managed to block the memories of last night from my thoughts so I could focus on Mila, but the question rips the scab off the fresh wound, and it fucking gushes through me.

After searching inside for Mila, I push through the exit door and step out of the club into the cold evening air.

This night went to shit, so fucking fast. It was like a speeding train derailing. One minute, things are finally at a good place between Mila and me, and the next, fucking Jessica happened.

While I lost my shit with Jessica, Mila disappeared. I wanted to follow after her immediately but knew I had to clear things up between Jessica and myself before trying to fix things with Mila.

“What a fucking mess,” I grumble as my eyes scan over the parking area. I walk a little forward when something catches my eye. Moving closer, I crouch down and frown at the random pair of heels.

Suddenly a desperate cry pierces the night, and it instantly makes the hair on my body rise. Darting to my feet, I search between the cars, thinking the owner of the shoes might’ve injured herself.

A hopeless wail comes from the direction of the side of the building, and it sends my heartbeat into overdrive. I break out into a run, instinctively knowing someone needs help.

When I round the corner and see a guy on top of a girl, my worry explodes into anger. The fucker’s white ass gleams in the moonlight as he moves on top of the girl.

Darting forward, I grab hold of his shoulders and yank him away from her. When I get a good look at his face and see that it’s Justin Green, I lose all my self-control and begin to beat the ever-loving shit out of him.

The fucker’s been nothing but trouble.

A gasp for air from the girl grabs my attention, and the moment I look at her, Justin’s limp body drops from my hands.


The split second of recognition feels like an eternity of torture as the horror sinks into my bones.

Those cries belonged to Mila.

Justin was on top of Mila.

I manage to make it to her side before my legs give way, and taking in the sight of how brutally Justin has hurt her, it feels as if someone just dug into my chest, ripping my heart right from it.

The pain is excruciating, paralyzing me.

“Mr. Reyes?” Dr. Bowes’ voice yanks me out of the dark thoughts. She reaches over to me, giving my hand a squeeze. “Are you okay?”

Clearing my throat, I say, “I’m fine.” I turn my gaze to Officer Lane. “Sorry, what was the question?”

Officer Lane gives me a sympathetic look. “Can you relay the happenings of last night in your own words?”

My heart sinks into a dark pit as I repeat my statement. With every word spilling from my lips, it feels like a chunk of my soul is being shredded until there’s nothing left but the turbulent mess of emotions whirling inside me.

If it’s so hard for me to talk about, I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for Mila.

The thought has me sitting upright, and I pay more attention to Copyright 2016 - 2024