Arrogant Bastard - Julie Capulet Page 0,39

because I’ve detected things under his surface level that have affected me more deeply than I was expecting.

Don’t even think about it, girl. For you he spells heartbreak on steroids.

“Luna,” Gage says, gently grasping my arm with his warm hand again. This time, I allow it. “These are my cousins, Travis, Vaughn and Kade. Luna is my new business partner.” Gage is standing so close to me, if we were in a less crowded space I’d have the urge to step back. As it is, there’s something almost comforting about the way he’s so big and … shielding, in this crowded room full of people.

All three of them check out Gage’s “date”—me, not that I am his date, of course—with fascination. Like he’s never introduced someone to his cousins before.

Travis Tucker looks like he just stepped out of a wheat field. His hair is sun-lightened, his skin is tanned and his flannel shirt is worn in. His eyes are bright green. He’s got a laid-back, friendly smile that makes you wish you were from Nashville, because it must be a good place if it could produce a man like him, a down-home country boy with a talent-infused X-factor and good looks to write home about. Vaughn has black hair, bronzed skin, a lot of ink on his muscular arms and bright blue eyes. For all his colorfulness, he’s got a rough-edged recklessness to him that fits his reputation to a T. He’s the wild child of the group, the one who’s often in the headlines for his loose behavior, his stints in rehab and his genius on the drums. Kade has a different vibe altogether. His hair is longer than his brothers, also sun-bleached, and his eyes are just as blue, but at first impression he’s deeper and not as outgoing as the other two. I heard him described once as a “dreamy bad boy,” and the description fits. He’s soulful, even on the surface, and I happen to know that his songs are some of the most beautifully-written of any I’ve heard. It’s his lyrics that I’ve memorized most of all to find strength on those nights when I needed a little extra.

“I love your music,” I tell them honestly.

Travis smiles. I can see the family resemblance. He looks like Gage, in the shape of his eyes and the raw sex appeal. Josie was right, there’s some seriously killer DNA going on in this family.

“So glad you could make it tonight, Luna,” Travis says.

“Hey there, Luna,” Kade drawls, then he glances at Gage, like there’s something uncharacteristic about the way Gage is behaving. In fact all three of them are watching the way he’s still holding my arm and standing over me like an over-zealous bodyguard, eyeballing them as though he might lunge at one of them any minute.

Vaughn laughs and pats Gage on the back. “Okay, bro, we get it.”

Get what?

“Business partners, huh.” Travis winks at me.

Vaughn elbows Gage playfully before reaching out to take my hand. “Nice to meet you, Luna.” He kisses my knuckles in an old-fashioned, gentlemanly way. Either he’s being mischievous or his mother hammered home some manners, I can’t quite figure out which. “Well done, taming this one. We never thought we’d see the day.”


Gage watches the exchange like a hawk, then he removes my hand from Vaughn’s and good-naturedly—almost—steers Vaughn towards the pool table.

“Don’t even think about it,” Gage tells him casually, but there’s something feral about the blue glint in his eyes.

Vaugh laughs. “No need to go caveman.”

I give Gage a look. What the hell is he doing? Staking some kind of claim on me? I don’t want him to do that, not that I’m interested in any of the Tucker brothers, who all have women swarming around them like bees to honey, hanging off their every word. But we agreed this would be strictly business and that’s the way I intend to keep it. Eventually, when I decide I’m ready to dive back into the shark-infested waters of the dating scene, it sure as hell won’t be with someone who’s banged so many women they write articles in freaking Forbes about it. No matter how hot he is or how restless I might be feeling tonight.

He grins down at me, his eyes blazing with volatile energy.

Vaughn waves down a waitress. “Bring us a round of JD shots. We’ll take five.”

A petite woman with dark hair, jean shorts, long legs, cowboy boots and the energy of a firecracker launches herself at Copyright 2016 - 2024