Arrogant Bastard - Julie Capulet Page 0,29

to everyone for me. Bye, Owen. You too.” Luna ends the call and hands the phone back to Josie. “Look who’s here.” She doesn’t sound pleased, but I already have my plans in place to thaw out that little iceberg and break down every barrier she’s built. Until she’s coming in my mouth as I eat her sweet pussy. Until she’s melting around my cock as I fuck her hard and slow.

Goddamn it.

Jon Lester pitching a no-hitter against Kansas City.

Do. Not. Rise.

Josie watches me approach. I notice then the small stack of papers on the table in front of her. The contract.

“Good evening, ladies,” I say. My voice sounds strange. I sound … happy. “How are you tonight?”

“Hi, Gage.” Josie, at least, doesn’t have laser beams of hatred shooting out of her eyeballs. Probably because I’m about to give her a million dollars.

For half of this run-down old-school Florida bar.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why would I do that?

Because of the way Luna is watching me now, it’s as simple as that. I’m paying a million dollars for the opportunity to spend some time with this stunning little tomboy-nymphet, with her crazy eyes and her outrageously stunning face that—for reasons I can’t explain at all—makes me feel like I just won some kind of cosmic lottery. It’s a face I want to stare at. And kiss. Her body is only highlighting my problem. Especially in that tight little fucking white dress. I can faintly see the beaded tips of her nipples.

I think I’m about to lose my mind. I want to suck champagne off those nipples more than a man crawling across the Sahara in mid-summer wants a glass of water.

And I suddenly understand a lot of things I never understood before.

I’m having some kind of goddamn epiphany.

I can’t analyze it right now but I think I might have just realized why my father built a castle for the love of his life. Why my brothers are suddenly acting like they’ve jumped off the deep end of their sanity.


This isn’t me at all.

I don’t want this overload of amped-up lust. Because it’s a lust that has teeth. Teeth that are sinking into the flesh of my soul and spilling venom deep inside me that’s tainting me.

With her.

With the memory of how fucking beautiful she is standing here right now in the golden sunlight in her white dress, glaring at me.

“Hi, Luna.” I give her the smile that has slayed a thousand women. Okay, not a thousand, maybe, but close enough.

Nothing. She doesn’t smile back. “Hi, Gage.” Feistily. I’m the enemy, clearly, and one she has no time for. The sex is going to be phenomenal, is what I’m thinking. At least she called me Gage and not Mr. McCabe, which was starting to sound overdone, like it was bordering on mockery.

Christ, I fucking love the sound of her voice when she says my name. I want to hear her moan it. Scream it. Cry it out in a fit of ecstasy.

“I spoke to Travis a few hours ago,” I tell her. “Our tickets are waiting at the door for us. We’re going to have a drink with the boys before their show.”

This causes her irritation to lift at the edges. I can detect her excitement.

For them. Not me.

I’ll fucking kill them!

You won’t kill them, you asshole. They’re your goddamn cousins. And you’re not a raving psycho. At least you weren’t last time you checked.

Then why do I feel this feverish … insanity? What is it? Jealousy?

Yes. I have to win.

I’ll change her mind. I’ll show her how much she actually wants me. I’m better than them. I’m richer. Hotter. Taller, probably. My cock is bigger.

Isn’t it?

Yes! Of course it is! It fucking must be. It’s ten and a half goddamn inches on a good day. And every day is a good day.

What if you can’t change her mind? What if she falls in love with one of them? Or all of them?


Maybe we shouldn’t go to the concert tonight. Maybe this was a bad motherfucking idea.

I’m relieved when Josie breaks my ludicrous train of thought. I’m starting to wonder if I really am going crazy. “You guys are going to have so much fun,” Josie says. “I wish I wasn’t exhausted, and also getting on a plane in two days and I still haven’t even thought about packing.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here and help you?” Luna asks earnestly, like she prefers that option Copyright 2016 - 2024