The Arrangement - Jerica MacMillan Page 0,103

wedding thing for all of us, even if it wasn’t strictly necessary. I enjoyed being your groomsman this time.”

Grinning, I stand too. “I’m glad you could be here, too.”

We walk in the same direction, each of us going for our wives. Alexis notices us before Gabby does, and peels herself away, coming to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. After a brief kiss, I sweep her onto the dance floor, where the DJ is starting a slow song.

She sighs contentedly, a smile tipping her lips. “This has been exhausting, but a lot of fun. I’m glad we did it.”

“Me too.” Promising to have a vow renewal and invite our families went a long way toward soothing the ruffled feathers on both sides. Alexis’s dad was particularly grumpy about missing our first wedding, and when I finally met him face to face, he made a few comments about me “stealing” his daughter until Alexis gave him a cool look and loudly declared that she wasn’t anyone’s property, so how could she be stolen?

He’d spluttered and protested and backpedaled, but that had effectively ended his irritation with me and the way our relationship began.

Alexis’s mom, on the other hand, was much more welcoming. And since Alexis had told her all the gory details from beginning to end, she harbored no hard feelings about missing the fake wedding and simply looked me in the eye and stated that she’d be on my team as long as I was on Alexis’s team.

And really, that’s how a mom should be, right?

My mom on the other hand …

I glance around the room and see her dancing with my dad. She’s here. She’s not actively sabotaging anyone. And based on what I’ve witnessed with my brothers, that’s about the best I can hope for.

Alexis’s hand cups my cheek and pulls my face to hers. I kiss her back, keeping it PG given that we’re surrounded by people. But I’m looking forward to getting out of here and having her all to myself. I’m surprising her with a trip to Europe for two weeks. She mentioned a couple months ago that she’s always wanted to go and never managed to make it there, and maybe one day she’d get to do a European tour.

But we both know that touring doesn’t allow for sightseeing. So I started planning my surprise trip for her that day.

“What are you thinking about?” she asks when she ends the kiss.

“You,” I answer honestly. “How much fun we’re going to have tonight. And how excited I am for you to see where we’re going the day after tomorrow.”

I deliberately scheduled tomorrow as a day to relax. We’ve both been working almost nonstop the last few months. We need some downtime. So tomorrow is for lazing around and finishing up packing. And then we get two weeks of vacation before getting back to work.

“You’ll have to tell me soon if I’m going to pack appropriately,” she tells me.

I give her a sly smile. “I’ll be sure you have everything you need.”

She makes a sound of exasperation, but it’s belied by the wide smile taking over her face.

I bend and kiss her again, my heart swelling with joy. “I’m so happy I found you.”

“Me too,” she whispers against my lips. “Me too.”

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading Colt and Alexis’s story! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know Colt’s story has been a long time coming. He was less vocal for me for a long time, but I hope this was worth the wait. If you liked it, please go leave a review somewhere. I’d appreciate it so much!

There’s a free bonus scene for you if you’re not quite ready to let go of Colt and Alexis. Download it here. It asks for your email address, but you’ll only get emails from me if you click the box saying you want them (and if you already get my emails, you don’t need to sign up again). Otherwise it’s just for Bookfunnel to email you the download link.

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If you haven’t read the rest of this series, you can get to know Jonathan and Brendan and Gabby and Lauren better in the other books. You can get them here.

If you’d like more rockstar romance from me, check out my series Cataclysm. (They have a little cameo in Recapitulation, one of the Copyright 2016 - 2024