In the Arms of the Elite (Rich Boys of Burberry Prep #4) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,83

look up at Zack’s face and watch as his tight expression loosens up a little.

“You sure you still want me, after Zayd and Windsor?” He pauses, frowning slightly. I didn’t have to tell the guys about me and Windsor because, well, Wind did it for me before I got a chance. And then I jumped in the pool and stayed under just long enough to make them all worry. But just a little. A little angst is fun. Too much gives me a stomachache.

“Why would you think I wouldn’t?” I ask, and Zack shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair.

“I don’t know. I mean, how long do you really want to put up with all of us?” He looks at me like he’s certain I’m not going to pick him, like our time together is short-lived.

“As long as I can?” I respond, and then I reach down and take his hand, pulling him toward the bedroom and closing the door behind us.

I need to clean the kitchen, but that can wait until morning.

Tonight, I’m going to let Zack unzip my reindeer costume and slide it off of me first.

When I wake up later, Charlie is still asleep, Zack is gone, and the kitchen is freaking spotless.

“I don’t see why I have to keep trying,” Creed drawls, gesturing loosely in my direction as he drapes his boneless body over one of the leather chairs in the library. “I was already accepted to the school. What do my grades matter now?”

I cross my arms over my chest and give him my most severe look.

“First off, don’t you have any pride in your academic work? And second, it does matter. The university will look at your grades for the last semester, and your class ranking. Miranda already promised me you’d be going to Bornstead. Don’t disappoint me now, Cabot.”

“Oh, bossy, bossy, bossy,” he drawls, flinging one leg over the arm of the chair and looking out at me from under half-lidded eyes. His gaze sweeps me in my all-black uniform, taking in every curve. When I sit down, on the other chair arm, my skirt rides up and Creed gets a little peek at my garters underneath. “And just as sexy as you are authoritative.” His fingers dance across my upper thigh, snapping one of the straps against my pale flesh. I shiver, but I manage to stay firm.

“You need to study for this math test.”

“I’d rather study you,” Creed purrs, drawing me into his lap. His clean linen and soap smell is intoxicating, and I find my hands playing with the buttons on his shirt, even though I know I should be encouraging him to look at the rubric Miss Danebo handed out.

“Why? What is it you want to know?”

“Why do you like those boy-on-boy comics so much? Do you have fantasies you haven’t told me about?”

“Yes, I’d love to see you topped by Tristan Vanderbilt, but that’s not going to happen. What will happen if you don’t study, is me going to college with your sister, and you going home to sleep a gap year away in the Hamptons.”

“You’d go without me?” he asks, sighing and sliding his fingers down the row of buttons on my top, popping a few of them wide. The lace of my navy, blue bra shows, and I suck in a sharp breath as Creed trails the edge of his fingernail along the scalloped edges. His ice-blue eyes flick up to mine with an exquisite sort of cruelty dancing in them. He knows how badly he’s getting to me, and he loves it. I wiggle on his lap without meaning to, and Creed scowls at me. “And you know from experience exactly what that sort of move does to my dick.”

“So damn crude,” I murmur, forcing myself to stand up and put some space between us. If I don’t, I’m going to end up doing things in the library that most definitely would end up on my permanent record if I were caught. “But I like it,” I toss over my shoulder, sauntering off and enjoying Creed’s groan of frustration as he forces himself up and follows after me.

“Where are you going?” he asks as I head out the library doors, and down the stone hall.

“If you’re not willing to study, I have other things to deal with today.” I reach into my pocket and pull out my modified list. Ileana doesn’t seem to be coming back to Burberry, and not because of the Copyright 2016 - 2024