In the Arms of the Elite (Rich Boys of Burberry Prep #4) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,71

he wears most every day at Burberry, black and shiny, knee-high. The only difference between the two teams seems to be that Windsor’s group has on black jackets with gold buttons, while the others are sporting red.

I have to say, with Creed’s blue eyes and pale hair, the bold color really suits him. And Zayd? All those tattoos showing from underneath such a proper looking outfit, the dichotomy has me drooling. Mentally drooling that is. I manage to keep all my saliva properly tucked behind closed lips.

“You really are beautiful, Marnye,” Zack says, his outfit so properly fitted to his massive frame that I have to wonder if this game wasn’t pre-planned in advance. Sneaking a sideways glance at Windsor, I figure that it probably was. Nothing the prince does is accidental.

“Thank you,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat as Zack steps up close and puts his big hands on my shoulders, leaning down and giving me a proper kiss. It’s much more polite than the bloody one he gave me on the field, when his tongue stole through my mouth with a possessive, ardent fire. He was claiming me on that field, in front of all those people.

If Charlie hadn’t been in the stairwell at that exact moment, he would’ve figured out my err, poly relationship much sooner. This is a polyamorous relationship, right? I mean, of sorts?

“I’m going to kick their asses for you,” Zack says, rising up to his full height. He’s intimidating as fuck. I would not want to be playing against him.

“We’ll see about that,” Creed drawls, walking across the field and pausing in his red coat. He glances up at Windsor and cocks one, perfectly smooth blond brow. “I’m surprised you’re not wearing a red coat, considering your lineage and all that.”

“Please, you Americans and your British insults. They’re nothing but sad. Frankly, I find them quite pathetic. If you were to really come at me, you’d know I hadn’t been laid in years, and you’d call me a fuck-useless tosser, and be done with it. Now piss off, and let’s start the match.” He gallops his horse into the field as Creed looks me over and offers up a smile that’s nothing sort of lascivious.

“You’re scary, when you smile like that,” I tell him, but he seems to take it as a compliment and moves over to stand above me, brushing aside an errant strand of hair from my face.

“Good. I want the whole world to know I’m not afraid to fuck them up if they mess with my uke.” I narrow my eyes on him, but he’s so damn full of himself, he just turns away and straightens out his red coat.

“I am not an uke,” I grumble, because uke is literally a word derived from the Japanese verb ukeru which means to receive. And if you were thinking dirty, you were right. The uke is the one who, um, receives the anal sex in a male/male relationship. “And how do you even know what that is if you hate my ‘gauche’ manga so damn much, huh?”

Creed ignores me, pausing as Tristan finally makes his way out of the stable on the back of a gleaming white horse. I sort of feel like he and Windsor should switch; it would suit their personalities better. But then I see the way he rides, his back straight, head up, like a true aristocrat, and I shiver all over. In that red jacket no less, he looks like a king. A god.

“Damn, if I were you, I’d want to fuck him, too,” Zayd murmurs, smacking on some gum and swiping his tattooed hands down the front of his coat while Miranda and Andrew make their way over, both also dressed in black.

“It’s not right, to pair twins up to fight each other,” Creed mumbles, but Miranda ignores him.

“Alright, your highness, where’s my horse? Let’s get this battle started and shed some blood!”

“It’s disturbing,” Creed drawls at her, eyes heavy-lidded, “how excited you are by the thought of violence. And Mom thinks I’m the bully in the family.” She grabs him by the arm and drags him off toward the stables while I join Charlie and Alex in the shade of the stands, a few security guards sitting in a loose circle around them.

There’s plenty of wine and fruit, what’s left of the pumpkin pie. Dad’s eating a slice and smoking a joint. I swear, I will never get over the sight of him smoking pot. Copyright 2016 - 2024