In the Arms of the Elite (Rich Boys of Burberry Prep #4) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,68

has a big heart; she forgives too easily,” Charlie says, studying the group of them. “I swear, if you’re playing some sort of long game …”

“Long game?” Zack ask, and Dad glances his way.

A shock of adrenaline courses through me, and I lick my lips. If I said I hadn’t at least considered that possibility, I’d be lying. But … no. Not with Windsor around. Zack either, for that matter.

“If those three pull something during graduation the way they did at the end of first year, I swear to God, I’ll kill them all and put them in the ground. What do I have to lose? I’m dying anyway.”

“Dad!” I choke out, this dark thundercloud settling over me. I know he’s trying to use dark humor to cope, but shit, it hurts. It hurts so damn bad that I can’t even let myself consider it, not right now, not when he’s still here to smile at me.

“Seriously though, what’s the worst that could happen: life in prison?” Charlie chuckles, but I can’t laugh at stuff like that, not right now. “I mean it though, you boys better not be screwing around with my Marnye-bear.”

“Sir,” Zayd says, shaking out his shoulders and exhaling. “I understand your concern, but I want you to know that … I’m in love with your daughter.” He grits his teeth, like this is one of the hardest things he’s ever done. “I have been since Halloween of first year, I just … we’re all mixed up in a bunch of bullshit.”

Holy fuck, did Zayd Kaiser just announce his love for me? And in front of my dad, too? I’m not sure if I should swoon or maybe just curl up and die of embarrassment.

“But we’re trying to get out of it,” Zack adds, looking at Charlie. “I won’t let anything like what happened during first year happen again. I’m in love with your daughter, too, and … I can never say enough about how sorry I am over what occurred in middle school. I’m willing to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.”

Aaaand, another surge of emotion I don’t know what to do with. It’s like there’s a rainbow inside of me, an emotion for every color, all blending together. I’m just not sure what’s waiting for me at the end of it.

“I’d also like to take this moment to profess my love,” Windsor says, putting his palm over his heart and lifting his chin. “It’s a royal proclamation.”

I snort, but it’s all nervous laughter, clapping my hand over my mouth.

The sound of scrambling comes from outside, and I glance over my shoulder to see Creed shoving Miranda out of the way. He comes in panting, two security guards grabbing onto his shoulders.

“Let him go; he’s harmless,” Windsor instructs, as the beautiful blond-haired, blue-eyed Cabot boy huffs and puffs, looking between me and Dad a few times before he steps forward and shoves Zayd aside. Zayd sneers at him, but doesn’t say anything.

“I love your daughter, too,” he says, and I swear, if there was a single spot on my body that wasn’t red, it would be now.

“Guys,” I start, as Tristan turns away suddenly, closing his eyes. He’s the only one who’s not going to say it, isn’t he? “You don’t have to say that.”

“It’s the truth,” Creed says, pushing blond hair off his forehead. “It’s … I’ve felt this way for a while.” Miranda comes up to stand on my other side, giving me a sympathetic sort of look. At least Lizzie’s not here to witness the whole thing, right?

“Are you happy, Marnye?” Dad asks, and I nod once, briskly but determinedly.

I mean, I am, but I’m not. I need you here to walk me down the aisle one day, Charlie. Please, please, please stick around for that.

“I am.”

“Okay then. Okay. My daughter has … five boyfriends.” He curses under his breath and shakes his head. “I’ll be damned.”

He wanders out to the porch, pops the top of one of his fancy apple ciders, and looks out at the vineyard.

“Well, that wasn’t embarrassing at all,” I whisper as Miranda gives me a huge hug.

“Come on, you can help me unpack my things and Andrew can tell you allll about his coming out story …”

Andrew grabs the wine, a pair of glasses, and a soda that he tosses over to me.

The boys watch us walk out, but they know better than to follow.

I need a minute.

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