Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,8

impressive, his appearance remarkable. I’d always imagined the man of my dreams as another pilot simply because we would have a solid foundation on our one thing in common: the love of flying.

As Trey picked up speed and sent us both into the computer generated clear skies, I briefly wondered if it was a beginning.

I ran through the spring drizzle toward Anchor Park, a far cry from yesterday’s perfect weather, to meet Dutch at the gates. She was covered head to toe in yellow plastic and rubber, her weathered face the only thing protruding from her get up. She looked like a rubber duck, a disgruntled rubber duck.

“They’ll probably tarp the field but here...” She extended a bright red poncho that matched my hat.

“Thanks,” I said as I wrapped myself in the plastic just as the rain picked up.

We made our way to the nearly empty stadium as the teams warmed up. My eyes drifted over the players and landed directly on Rafe, who seemed to be looking our way. Dutch gave him a short wave, and he nodded, his attention directed at me. I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I kept my head down, still a little embarrassed about the previous night.

Within two innings of a downpour, the weather shut the game down as it flooded the stadium, and Dutch and I with it. We said quick goodbyes with a promise to meet the following day, twenty minutes to game time, as I scurried out to the street. The water was already over a foot deep and climbing as I plowed through the street in front of Anchor Park directly across to the parking lot. The rain was cold and unforgiving as it covered both my feet and I attempted to flee. As I approached my Prius, I stood back in shock just as the tires started to be consumed by water.


Just as fast as I realized my new car was in danger, a large F350 pulled up next to me and a window let down. “They don’t call this the low country for no reason, doll. Get in.” I looked in the cab of the truck to see Andy looking over my shoulder with concern. “The tides coming in. You aren’t getting out of here in that tin can. You might as well weather the storm and see if she survives.”

“I’m not leaving my brand new car to drown!” I said, exasperated.

“You have about ten minutes until you both do,” he said with a smile. I realized then the water was close to knee high. I’d parked in front of the riverbank, and it was pouring onto the grass next to it.

“Thanks, I’ll just move it.”

“It’s too late to get it to the upper deck. The streets are done. We need to go.” I looked past the gravel behind me and saw the streets were running with at least two feet of water.


Before I could get my argument out, the back door of Andy’s cab opened and a shirtless Rafe came toward me with purpose. I was just about to address him when he scooped me into his arms. My body reacted before I had a chance to think it through. I saw his eyes widen as he dropped me to the flooded ground beneath us.

We both began choking, and Andy roared with laughter as both Rafe and I fought for air. I pushed off the ground, spitting water out of my mouth as Rafe placed a hand on his knee and glared at me while he massaged his throat with the other.

“What the fuck, woman!”

“You don’t go barging toward a woman who doesn’t know you and scoop her up, moron!”

“Well, you don’t throat punch a man for trying to keep your stubborn ass from drowning!”

All words left me as the unrelenting water poured over the both of us and we stared each other down. I was completely thrown as I studied his perfect body.

Arms, abs, abs, more abs, abs, abs, abs.

Rafe cursed and made his way to the back of the truck and jumped in. I watched helplessly as the water rose over the tires of my Prius.

“Come have a few beers with us. When the rain slows, we’ll come back,” Andy summoned as Rafe pulled out a fresh t-shirt from a duffle bag in the back of the cab and put it on. I stood there weighing my options and relented when I realized there really was only one.

I pulled myself into the Copyright 2016 - 2024