Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,74

were possible in the air. That the world could be conquered and she was capable of doing it while she flew. I understood her love of it. I felt the same juice when I held the weight of the game in my hand.

And all too soon, I felt the tires touch the pavement as Alice expertly landed the plane and taxied us safely back to the hangar.

I looked over to her as the plane wound down and the engine stopped. When we both unbuckled, I pulled her into my lap, and she protested only slightly.

She looked up to me with a grin, her eyes relieved. “You liked it.”

“I loved it,” I said with certainty. I felt the same overbearing lump in my throat as my chest expanded again, full of her, full of Alice. With the same certainty, I looked down at her as I let my words fly. “I trust you, Alice. I don’t trust the world, but I do trust you.” I saw her perfect lips part as if she were going to speak as she looked at me with soft eyes and decided against it.


“Nothing, I just...I know it was...hard for you to say that.”

I shook my head in negation. “Not with you, not anymore.”


“Because you’re the most incredible, sincere, and beautiful woman I have ever met.” She lowered her chin to my chest, and I lifted it up so we were face to face. I wrapped my arms around her as she gripped me tight. “You aren’t alone anymore, Alice, and you never will be again, not you. You’re too good for the world around you. And you are too good for me.” Her mouth parted again as shock registered on her face and a silent tear fell down her cheek. “But the thing is, I love you, and I’ll be damned if I give anyone else the chance to.”

Frustration rolled off me with the knowledge that when she needed me down the road, I may not always be there. I may not always be present when she felt like a rolling stone and needed stability—needed me. Because as much as she craved adventure, I knew she craved a real home to belong to. And we were exactly the same in that respect.

It was selfish of me to ask her to take me the way I was, with only the time I could give, but I wanted her in a way I could never explain or try to. She had so much strength, so much ability. She was so fiercely independent at times; I couldn’t believe she could need anyone at all. But she trusted me, she looked out for me, and when we were together, I could feel her need for me. She was everything I’d ever wanted and never thought I would find in a woman. And as she slipped her arms around my neck and returned my kiss with the same gentle fire, my heart solidified. It was Alice. It could only be Alice.

Alice: Do you believe in God?

Rafe: What? Why?

Alice: I just want to know.

Rafe: Isn’t this a conversation for after sex.

Alice: You always fall asleep after sex.

Rafe: Exactly.

Alice: Rafe!

Rafe: Yes, I believe in God.

Alice: Thank you.

Rafe: What are you Googling?

Alice: Lifespans.

Rafe: Why?

Alice: I’m curious. The mayflies have the shortest life span. They live only a day. That’s so sad.

Rafe: Terrible tragedy.

Alice: What would you do if you could only live for a day?

Rafe: I already do it every day. I play ball and then let you play with mine. ☺

Alice: I can’t believe you just texted that.

Rafe: Yes you can.

Alice: I’m forwarding it to my mom.

Rafe: Tell her we can send picture proof from home. Kind of like a new Hallmark card.

Alice: Ugh, never mind. You lack romance, Rafe.

Rafe: Alice, right now I have my arm soaking in a bucket of ice. My ass and thigh are killing me because I got nailed by a ball. My lips are chapped, and I have a fucking broken toe. Can we talk about God, lifespans, and my balls, and lack of romance when I get home?

Alice: didn’t have to text back. Hurry home. I have questions and Vaseline. I’ll make you look like you sucked off an elephant.

Rafe: I love you.

Alice: The longest living creature on planet earth is the bowhead whale...In case you were curious.

Rafe: I wasn’t.

Alice: Now you know.

Rafe: Still needless information.

Alice: I’m educating you.

Rafe: On useless facts I’ll never use.

Alice: Jeez, you’re cranky.

Rafe: Again, arm in ice, dinger sting Copyright 2016 - 2024