Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,72

harsh breath and cradled the back of her head in my hands.

After a solid minute of her laughter, she only slowed to scold me again. “If you would’ve had some books on it, bonehead athlete, it wouldn’t have fallen...and I may have just peed a little.” I chuckled as I scooted to lay next to her on the carpet.

“You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine,” she whispered over to me. “God, that would have been some good sex.”

“Oh,” I assured her as I studied her escaped nipple and ran the pad of my finger over it. “We’re still having it.”

“Meh, I’m not feeling it anymore,” she said as she wrinkled her nose. I pulled her to me and looked down at her as we shared a smile. “What am I going to do with you?”

She looked back at me with hopeful eyes. “Everything?”

Alice drove with a smile on her face as she darted her eyes excitedly from me to the road. This morning, she woke me up early with her perfect mouth wrapped around me and breakfast in bed, which consisted of toast and Nutella. Well, what was left in the jar. I looked over at her now as she tapped her fingers to Peter Cetera’s “Glory of Love.” I couldn’t help but to chuckle at her and her blatant disregard for all things our generation. As if she read my mind, she quickly came to the defense of her movie playlist.

“It’s better than that death metal you play in the Jeep.”

“It’s not death metal.”

“It’s loud and obnoxious.”

I shook my head and frowned. “It’s the Foo Fighters.”

“What exactly is a Foo Fighter?”

Not able to come up with an educated explanation, I looked at her and deadpanned, “Isn’t it obvious? They fight Foo.” Her laughter was infectious, and I loved the sound of it.

“You’re going to Google that later, aren’t you?”

“Yep,” she said as her chuckle slowed.

I looked over her and studied her beautiful profile in the morning sun. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun. She had a t-shirt that said “I heart Jake Ryan” and some dark jeans that cradled her perfect figure, and high top Converse. I made a mental note to replace that t-shirt as she looked over at me and gave me a wide smile.

“Almost there!”

I’d seen the sign for the airport a few miles back and was pretty sure I knew what the surprise was, but I kept quiet. I studied the curve of her slender neck, the perfect shape of her chin and lips. Her features were severely feminine. Even her tiny ears were beautiful.

“Why are you staring at me?”

“Because I want to, and you stare at me all the time.”

She quickly began muttering excuses, and I grabbed her hand and pulled it into my lap. “And I like it.” She looked over at me with an embarrassed smile and gave me a sly nod.

I adjusted myself in the seat again, the top of my head grinding against the small amount of cushion on the roof.

“Such a big boy,” she whispered suggestively. And that was all it took for my imagination to start wondering. I was on fire for her. The ache in my chest matched the throbbing of my cock. I’d just had her and I wanted her again. That well would never run dry, of that I was sure.

“Hold that thought,” she said as she read my mind and exited the highway. Minutes later, my suspicions were confirmed as we pulled up and parked yards away from a pint-sized plane not much bigger than her Prius. “Today, you will be my co-captain, Mr. Hembrey. You up for it?” I remained quiet as I studied her body radiating the purest form of happiness. I nodded and swallowed the emotion in my throat for the second time that morning. She had a way of making me feel...everything, and not in small doses, but all at once. It was overpowering in a way. She still made me nervous, but not in a way that was unsettling. In a way that was purely addicting.

“Well, come on, hot shot.” She winked as she walked toward the plane, where a man waited for us. Alice walked ahead of me and greeted the man with warm words. I caught up with her and scoured the small plane. There wasn’t much to it, and I felt a small amount of unease as I studied it. She looked over to me as she nodded at the man who introduced himself as Copyright 2016 - 2024