Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,5

having an excellent game. I was just as vocal as Dutch as we chanted and raised hell. Well, I mostly echoed her, but I was having a blast doing it. I looked around me to see the others in the stadium just as engrossed. I felt like I was sitting in a family of strangers. An obvious family man stood next to Dutch and me with his blonde toddler on his shoulders. She shook a noisy tin can of what I assumed were beans with the Swampgator’s logo and the name of a sponsor below it. I studied it carefully.

Andy’s Brew House because local is better.

Engrossed in my first game ever, I realized hours had passed, and I hadn’t moved from my seat.

“Striiiikke,” the umpire yelled for what seemed like the hundredth time. I and those around me were solidly impressed as the Bullet threw pitch after perfect pitch.

The game ended in a Swampgators victory, and I turned to Dutch to thank her for the company.

“He really is impressive. I can see why you’re a fan. Thank you for the company.”

“Honey, he’s the best. And when he finally gets the call, I can say I told you so.” She looked at me in question. “So you in?”

“Am I in?”

“Well, I don’t see no one else behind ya,” Dutch said with obvious sarcasm.

“What does in entail?”

“Every home game, rain or shine, for the season.”

I stared, stunned, but my mouth moved before I could think it through. “I’ll do it!”

“Good, because you’re actual seat was one down. You’re sitting in my dead husband’s chair. I have these two for the entire season. I’ll meet you outside twenty minutes before game time. If you aren’t here, I go in alone.”

“Oh...I’m terribly sorry...Okay,” I said as I stood quickly and looked back at the chair in apology. Dutch gave me my very own fist bump before she yelled one more time, “Good job, Bullet. This is your season!”

“Thanks, Dutch!” he called back to her as I froze where I stood. This time, I was sure his eyes were on me because he was far closer. Dark hair was tucked under a ball cap and underneath the brim of that cap...was perfection. His eyes penetrated mine as I stood motionless. I damned near sat back down just to drink him in. It was a brief moment, maybe a few seconds, but it was enough to catch it all. The dark curl of sweaty hair beneath his cap, his strong nose and chin, ridiculously full lips, and dark eyes all burned into my memory as he disappeared from the field.

“See you tomorrow,” Dutch barked and pushed me out of my stupor.


“It’s a three-game series,” she said as she pushed past me after shoving a game schedule into my hand.

“See you then,” I said as I followed the crowd’s direction. “Oh, wait...Dutch!”

“Yeah, Alice?” Her voice had a hopeful lift to it as if she was waiting for an invitation of some sort.

“I want to pay for my seat. If you can tell me how much I’ll owe you—”

“Just show up,” she said before she gave me a nod and got lost in the crowd.

Knowing I had a full day of work and plans to attend another game the following day, I decided local was better, and on an adrenaline high of my first baseball game, I found myself parked at a cocktail table next to the entrance of Andy’s Brew House. Even with legal freedom and the ability to do so, I’d never been much of a drinker. I hated to lose control over any of my senses, but I’d decided that my celebration of the best day ever deserved to be toasted with at least one local beer.

The bartenders, clearly understaffed, tossed out draft glasses left and right at the counter full of happy Swampgator fans. The bar was small and had a homey feel to it. It was littered with baseball memorabilia, and there was a TV screen on every wall streamlining nothing but highlights of the game itself. “Centerfield” blared over the patron noise as one of the bartenders approached me. She was a stunner with long black hair and a petite figure. Her Swampgators V-neck tee did little to cover her bulging cleavage, and her long tan legs were fully bared aside from her nearly non-existent black shorts. I felt like a mutt sitting there with sweat-matted, blonde hair tucked underneath my cap and a simple, white halter top and shorts.

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