Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,48

and stared at the catastrophe on my bed. “Well, you’re a slob. Looks like I don’t have to feed you tonight.” She gathered the wrappers from my bed and threw them in the trash and then wiped my bed free of crumbs. I studied the Nutella jar and shook my head in disappointment. “Not even a teaspoon?”

“I, uh...” She hiccupped again. “I’ll make it up to you.” I pulled my shirt over my head with my fist as I saw her eyes rake my body, and then rid myself of my shoes and shorts. Her gaze drifted from between my thighs to meet my eyes.

“How?” I said with a quirked eyebrow. I saw her pause as her wheels turned. God, I loved that she was so sexually innocent and yet so damned eager to please me. In my head, all I heard were the words on repeat.

Be mine. Be mine. Be mine. Be mine. Be mine, Alice.

“Get into bed, Alice.”

Her eyes bulged. “Rafe, I really do feel sick.”

“Come here,” I said as I looked at the clock. We’d had a last minute meeting that ran long, and I had rushed home instead of texting her. She’d probably been waiting for hours in my room for me.

I pulled and tucked her into me as I turned off the bedside light. She sighed in my arms and ground her ass into my throbbing cock.

“Alice,” I hissed as she giggled.

“Sorry,” she said, amused.

“No, you aren’t. Go to sleep.”

“Did you know that a movie theater manager in Seoul Korea cut out all the songs from the Sound Of Music because he thought the movie was too long?”

Alice chuckled hysterically as I held her tighter to me and joined in.

“Tell me more,” I whispered as I moved her t-shirt and placed a slow kiss on her shoulder.

“Judy Garland received thirty-five dollars a week for her role in The Wizard of Oz, but Toto got one hundred and twenty-five a week.”

“That’s fucked up.”

“Right? And Ariel—” she yawned “—from the movie Little Mermaid was originally supposed to be a blonde.”


“Do you like blondes?” Her breathing picked up. “I mean, what’s your preference?”


“No, I mean, really, what is your preference? I can handle it.”

“My preference is...Alice.”

“God, that’s sooooo lame.”


“Great,” I heard her huff.

“You asked.” I turned her over on her back and rubbed her belly gently with my hand.


She nodded as I kissed her deep before I grinned down at her in the dark. “I’m an ass man, too,” I said as I cupped her chest and heard her breath intake. “But when I think of touching you, all I want to do is run my fingers over these.” I feathered her nipples through her t-shirt as she met my slow kiss. I delved into every surface of her mouth, her moan evidence of a job well done. I pulled her to my chest and waited for her breathing to even out before I let sleep take me.

I don’t know who moved first, or who kissed who, but in the late hours of morning, I found myself being ravaged by Rafe, and I’d never been hungrier. Come to think of it, I think it was me who pressed back into him repeatedly, asking for the hard length that remained underneath his boxers. I vaguely remembered cupping him in the middle of the night with his name on my lips in a soft moan. He may have reached for me then and groaned my name as he pushed his hips up to give me better access. And if I think really hard, I can remember dipping my hand into those boxers and rubbing my thumb over the tip of his silky head.

I was becoming a bold sex goddess. Well, one that burped like a man, but Rafe didn’t seem to mind.

He undressed me slowly, and his hands roamed my body with the same gentle way he always seemed to have with me. I succumbed to him without any protest as he turned me on my back, nipped and softly kissed every inch of exposed skin. My body arched as he sipped and sampled between my legs. His tongue was slow, exquisite torture, but welcomed by my fever-filled moans. I clutched him to me, pumping my hips as he gripped my butt and lifted it to slide his tongue back and forth over my audibly slick center. All of my nerves fired as he licked and sucked, and I detonated in a long, blissful orgasm before he slowly made his Copyright 2016 - 2024