Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,27

side door when I made my way toward the dock, shirtless. Without a second thought, I lost my shorts and kept my boxers on as she joined me.

“Rafe, are we trespassing?”

“Yes and no.”

“Care to elaborate?” She slid her flip flops off, and I grabbed the keys from her hand and tossed them onto her discarded flip flops. It was late, and I could see the exhaustion start to creep over her face as her headlights began to dim in the distance.

“Just a dip,” I said as I scooped her into my arms and ran toward the water. She screamed in surprise as we flew into the pond. I freed her just before we hit the surface.

When we surfaced, she looked over at me with a grin. “Cold.”

“Come here,” I ordered as she hesitated before she paddled my way. I pulled her tight to me and heard her suck in a breath. “I have to keep an eye on you; you’re a dangerous woman on your own.”

“I’ve been doing just fine.” My eyes narrowed, but I doubt she could see.

“Well, we can’t be too careful,” I whispered as her breath hit my skin. I was fully hard as she kept her small hands wrapped around my neck.

“I highly doubt this is for my safety.”

“Well, you know alligators and all.” Suddenly, she was clinging to me in a way that had my heart pounding.

“Rafe Hembrey, get me out of this water now!”

“Calm down, there are no gators in this water.”

Of that, I was not entirely sure.

“Old man Thompson? That sounds like a name you pulled from your butt. Do you even know whose land this is?”

“Use to swim here when I was a kid. He’s a friend of the family.”

“You sounded so southern just then,” she said with a chuckle.

I looked down, curious. “What’s your preference?”

“I like a man in a suit and tie, maybe a little more built than you, and my man would never drive a Jee—”

I held her head under water for mere seconds, and when she resurfaced, she was laughing.

“Seriously, you suck,” she choked out as I gripped her tightly to me.

“Which part do you want me to start on?” I asked as she stiffened in my arms. “I could start on those pretty pink lips of yours. I’m pretty sure I could suck on them all night. I could suck this neck,” I said as I dipped my head, and without thinking, she tilted to the side to give me access. I smirked though she couldn’t see it as I whispered along her neck. “I could start there and move down to those cherry sized nipples of yours.”

“Rafe,” she said breathlessly.

“Or I could move further down and suck on that pussy you’re trying really hard to keep from me.”

She went completely still, our mouths a breath away from touching.

“That’s so...vulgar.”

“I bet if I checked right now, I have you wet, and it wouldn’t be the water’s fault.”

“It’s late, Rafe. Thank you so much for everything.” She pulled away from me and made her way to the dock while I cursed and followed her. I’d been every type of nice I knew how to be with this woman, and nothing had worked. Undeniably hard and losing my patience, my dick cursed me as I climbed onto the dock next to her.

“Crud, we don’t have towels,” she said as she sat soaking wet and glanced over at me. I was sure she could see the bulge in my pants and chose to ignore it.

“Where’s your head at, man?” Andy asked as he took a bite of his sandwich and threw a scrap of bread crumbs away from the table. Eager seagulls snatched it up and remained waiting for their next handout. We sat out on the deck overlooking Shem Creek as Andy ate. I sat back with a beer I wasn’t drinking.

“I don’t know lately,” I answered honestly. I’d never been anything but truthful with Andy. He had taken me under his wing my rookie year, and once he realized I didn’t need the guidance and could handle myself, it became something else, though he was still quick to step up with sound advice when he felt the urge.

“They’ll call.”

“It’s not that,” I said, looking over the water as a speedboat parked at the dock and a cute girl in a bikini paddled in the distance on a surfboard. She was stacked from top to bottom, and I couldn’t help but notice the blonde hair whipping around her shoulders. Copyright 2016 - 2024