Anything but Minor - Kate Stewart Page 0,19

mentally for not having more confidence in my answer.


The ultimate man.

The prince charming that had it all, but despite the fact that his life seemed perfect, he looked around, sought out and fell in love with the “different” girl. It was no secret why I loved that movie and Jake so much. It had always been my hope for me one day.

Rafe popped into my head at that moment, and I found myself restless at the very thought of him. His perfect body, his beautiful, soul-filled eyes, and Lord, his voice, deep with a hint of southern twang. He hadn’t been nearly as shallow as I’d originally thought. Though we didn’t say much, I knew he was in there. He’d probably had too many women who gave themselves easily that he had to put forth little to no effort to open up before they did.

I was more than curious, but I knew I was right about his intentions. When he’d given in so easily to my plea to keep things platonic, I knew I was a curiosity for him. I should’ve been on cloud nine that a man like that would take sexual interest in me. And though I didn’t have much experience in dating or sex, I knew things could turn bad for me and fast if I let Rafe touch me because I’d really wanted him to touch me.

It would have been a new kind of paradise—a temporary high for him, a new craving for me. I knew that deep down after just a few hours with him. Or maybe he would be a poorly skilled, tongue slinger with halitosis. The fantasy was always better, wasn’t it? At least, that’s the conclusion I came to.

But Jake Ryan hadn’t drifted through the air in front of me like a wet god. Jake Ryan didn’t have soulful eyes. Okay, maybe he did, but they weren’t as soulful. I closed my eyes as I mentally finger flicked Jake to the edge of his pedestal.

This is not platonic thinking, Alice.

Fucking away games. I’d come to loathe them in my downtime. The bus rides always seemed to drag on, and the cities began to bore me after the first few years. While the rest of the team celebrated another win with beers and a group of girls who’d waited at the bar for them, I lay in the stale smelling motel room and stared at the ceiling.

And I thought of Alice. She’d attended every home game last week and only made an appearance once at the bar after. She’d spent the majority of her time chatting with Andy and Kristina and barely glanced at me before she excused herself to go home. I had to fight the urge to get her alone and tried to respect her wish to keep things friendly. Even with the line drawn, she’d barely given me any of her attention. She was fighting it, and I knew it every time our eyes locked.

It took me exactly five minutes to work up the nerve to text her. She made me nervous. I fucking loved that.

Rafe: What are you doing?

Alice: HI, RAFE!

I chuckled. She never played cool.

Rafe: Hi, Alice, and you didn’t answer my question.

Alice: I’m listening to the recap of the game on WSAP. Congrats on your win. You are soooo talented!

I smiled as the warmth in my chest spread.

Rafe: Thank you.

Alice: They say you’ll get drafted to the majors this year. How exciting!!!

Rafe: Hope so.

Alice: I’m so happy for you. You struck out Jason Tillman! He’s the best hitter in the minors.

Another smile she couldn’t see. But I could feel her excitement, and it felt good.

Rafe: He was so mad he broke his bat.

Alice: I heard. I’ll buy you a beer when you get back to celebrate.

Rafe: I’ll let you.

Alice: So why haven’t they promoted you yet? You have some of the best stats in the MiLB.

The woman was doing her homework.

Rafe: You sure you’re new to ball?

Alice: I’m writing an email to Gerry Knight.

Rafe: What? No, Alice, don’t do that. That’s not the way this works.

She was definitely new to ball. Gerry was the manager of the major league team I was signed with.

Alice: Why not? I’m a fan. Someone needs to spell it out for him. You should have been pulled by now.

Rafe: Really, Alice, don’t do that.

Alice: You can’t stop this train. I’m kind of notorious for speaking my mind.

Rafe: You don’t say? When you go fan, you go all in, huh?

Alice: I kind Copyright 2016 - 2024