Anyone But Nick (Anyone But... #3) - Penelope Bloom Page 0,7

the key. She wore her long blonde hair in a braided ponytail down her back. Her outfit was crisp and pressed, like she’d somehow managed to commute here without sitting down and putting the slightest wrinkle in her skirt. I distantly decided I wouldn’t have put it past her to own a portable steam press to touch up her clothes throughout the day.

She was beautiful, confident, and successful. None of it surprised me. Seven years ago, I’d had a massive crush on her when we’d gone to high school together. I’d often thought about how things played out back then. It seemed like one or two different decisions could’ve set us all on a different course. Instead, I’d wound up dating Kira after she’d written me that poem out of nowhere. Cade had brought those idiotic pot brownies for Iris, and Rich had ratted Kira out to his coaches. In three fell swoops, we’d managed to set off the romantic equivalent of a nuclear bomb between ourselves and the girls. It had all culminated in the infamous vow Kira, Iris, and Miranda swore on Overlook Point. No matter what, they’d never date me or my brothers. Except Miranda seemed to be the only one who still cared about the oath.

I waited for her head to turn or even her eyes to shift toward me, but she didn’t so much as glance our way as she passed.

Cold, as usual.

Cade leaned over and whispered, “Go to her.”

As much as I hated doing anything my brother suggested, I knew the curiosity was going to eat at me if I didn’t try to talk to her. I wasn’t chasing after her for the reasons my brother probably thought, though. Yes, she was the challenge of all challenges, but I also wasn’t planning on tackling her—or the challenge she presented—yet. Part of what made me good at what I did was my patience. I knew if I just waited long enough, an opportunity would present itself.

To do my job well, I needed as much information about Bark Bites as I could get. The moment Miranda walked through the door, she’d become a piece of information. That was all. For now.

The lobby led into a long hallway lined with doors, most of which seemed to be offices. I was about to call out to Miranda when I saw her pause outside the door at the end of the hallway. Her back was still to me. She took a few deep breaths and half turned like she was about to head back the way she’d come, but then she reached for the door. She pulled her hand back suddenly and muttered something under her breath.

Why was she hesitating? My brain quickly churned through the most likely outcomes. A job interview she was nervous for? Delivering bad news to someone in that room? A boyfriend who works here?

I was surprised when the last possibility made me feel tight in the chest. I knew she’d been dating Robbie Goldman for a few months now, and I hadn’t felt anything when I’d heard they had recently split. So why would her finding a rebound guy bother me in the slightest? Besides, I’d been dating my way through every eligible woman in West Valley to get my matchmaking parents off my back, even if I was currently single. I was the last person who had any right to be jealous if she had already found someone new. Except maybe it wouldn’t feel as loveless and cold as all my failed dates had felt. Hell, I hadn’t even slept with any of the women—a fact that was getting me an unfortunate reputation around town, but I hardly cared about that.

Without warning, Miranda turned and yanked on a door handle to her left. It didn’t budge, so she tried another door. When it opened, she stepped inside and closed it behind her.

I had been curious before, but now I was intrigued. The Miranda I knew was the kind of well-oiled machine I had always admired. She knew her purpose, and she pursued it relentlessly. Whatever I’d just seen in the hallway didn’t add up. No matter the reason, she had hesitated. It was a chink in her icy armor of indifference.

I walked slowly down the hallway until I was standing outside the door she’d gone inside. I pressed my ear to the wood and listened.

There was a strange rustling sound inside. I frowned as I tried to imagine what it could be. An Copyright 2016 - 2024