Any Other Name (The Split Worlds) - By Emma Newman Page 0,6

onto the saucer with a clatter and fired a dark glare at Imogen, promising retribution at a later date. The ignorance of yet another family secret filled Will once more, but by the end of the day he’d be married and moving out of the family house and none of it would matter. The thought both delighted him and killed his appetite. If only he were leaving to set up home with Amelia. He couldn’t imagine having breakfast with Catherine. What would they talk about?

At least his fiancée was more interesting than he’d thought. Catherine had successfully navigated a mundane through Exilium, carried out a secret spying mission for a Sorcerer and smuggled a sorcerous artefact into the most controversial party of the season. She was clearly capable in a crisis, so why was she so inept at the easiest aspects of life in Nether Society?

“Lost your appetite, Will dear?” Imogen was still glowing from having scored a point off Nathaniel. She reached across and patted his hand. “Perfectly understandable. I do hope they dress Catherine in something decent. Surely they could manage that for her wedding day. After all, it’s the only day of that girl’s life that everyone will be looking at her.”

“By the end of the day she’ll be your sister-in-law,” Will reminded her.

Imogen withdrew her hand, her sharp smile fading. “How perfectly awful.”

“Don’t worry, old chap, she’ll be veiled,” Nathaniel chipped in.

“Yes, just pretend there’s someone else under there when you’re in front of the Oak.” Imogen smirked. Will knew perfectly well who she meant.

Neither Nathaniel nor Imogen mentioned the Albas openly, probably some nod towards discretion on his wedding day. No doubt everyone in Aquae Sulis was speculating about why he’d saved Amelia and her brother from the Agency, and he knew what most of them were thinking of his motive. They were probably right.

“William,” his father called from the doorway, “a word with you in my study.”

His father was already dressed for the wedding. Will excused himself and followed him in.

“Good morning, Father.” Will smiled, trying to give the best impression of a man ready to face his fate goodnaturedly.

“Close the door and sit down. We don’t have much time and I need to talk to you about something important.”

“Wisdom for married life?”

The stern glare burnt the cocky smile from Will’s lips. “I’ve just spoken with the Patroon. Everything is ready at the Oak. I know you were pushing to marry Catherine Papaver sooner than planned. No doubt you were surprised when I told you the new date.”

“A little. I assumed it was because Horatio’s accusations against her went public.” Will felt the muscles in his neck knotting. He’d worried that the marriage was happening far faster than a polite request from him and the threat of scandal could explain. He hadn’t told his father the real reason behind his desire to marry sooner than the end of the season, because he didn’t want anyone else to know about the beating Catherine had suffered. It wouldn’t do anything except increase the chance of her being harmed again.

“Well, that’s true, and now his accusations have been made public I’m glad we moved quickly. Hopefully everyone will be too busy gossiping about the fall of the Roses to remember what he said about her.” He paused. “You’re certain the purity opal remained white?”

“Positive,” Will replied and wondered again whether it did change colour when he’d pressed it against her neck. Not that it would have changed the fact that he wanted to get her away from her father as soon as possible.

His father nodded, satisfied. “There’s something else, William. Once you’re married, the Patroon wants you to establish your residence in Londinium.”


“You’ve impressed him, and with the Rosas being rounded up by the Agency and their control of the city lost, this is the perfect time to further our interests there.”

“But surely this is something for one of your generation? Or Nathaniel, as the eldest?”

“The Patroon is not easily impressed, William, and neither am I. You handled the Rosa debacle with subtlety and quick wits, both of which will come in useful in Londinium. We want you to secure the Dukedom and bring the Court under our control.”

Will sat back, feeling the knots reach down his body and into his stomach. The Dukedom? It was beyond ridiculous. “I… It was a bit of a coup revealing the Gallica-Rosa treachery but it doesn’t exactly mark me out for Duke material. I couldn’t have done it without the Copyright 2016 - 2024