Another Woman's Child - Kerry Fisher Page 0,113

as agreement. Then I dashed to the loo before I let myself down by fawning around him apologetically to make up for speaking my mind.

When I got back, Patrick was dinging a spoon on a glass.

‘Right, I’m going to keep this brief.’ He paused and beckoned me over. He took my hand. ‘So I know this party is a little unusual as not many people at our age get the incredible bonus of a new baby, especially one that sleeps through the night.’

I smiled at Phoebe and Victor, who had his arm round Georgia. They were all cringing but laughing in the way their age group did – perfectly happy to discuss the gories of who’d done what to whom at a party but anything vaguely connected to sex between their parents – such as a baby – and they practically needed smelling salts.

‘But it’s wonderful to be surprised in a good way at our age. We already had a daughter we simply could not be prouder of.’

Phoebe was doing an exaggerated ‘Oh Dad’ face but I could see she was pleased.

Patrick carried on. ‘She’s been brilliant at helping Victor adjust to living with our family and really generous-spirited. He, in turn, has been through such a difficult time but has amazed us all with his positive attitude and resilience. And who knew that he’d turn Phoebe into a demon on the rugby field! I’d like you to raise your glass to welcome Victor into our family, our lovely son.’

A murmur of ‘Cheers’ and ‘Here’s to Victor’ went round the room. And right then, I understood Ginny completely – ‘Focus on what matters now, not what happened then.’

I stepped forward. ‘And I would like to make a toast to Ginny, Victor’s mum. She was the best friend I could ever have wished for. She was a brilliant mum to Victor. I miss her.’ I swallowed. ‘Every day Victor reminds me of her and I am lucky to have the privilege of counting him as part of my family.’

I stopped, emotion clogging my chest. I raised my glass to unexpected applause and cheering. I caught Phoebe’s eye and she blew me a kiss.

Patrick cleared his throat as though to release people to drinking and being merry, but my mother got to her feet. She was weaving about slightly, which didn’t bode well. She’d obviously decided that the occasion merited a deviation from her ‘one little brandy at Christmas’ rule.

‘When Jo said she was having her friend’s boy come to live with them, I thought she was off her rocker. And I was just getting used to that idea when there was all that to-do about him being Patrick’s son. But we’ve been so lucky to have him in our family, he’s an absolute smasher. So if anyone here wants to gossip about us, well, please leave now before you drink any more wine that Patrick and Jo are paying for.’ Mum waved her glass of sherry in the air.

Thankfully Patrick stepped forwards and guided her back into her seat before she started picking on specific guests to criticise. ‘As always, I think the last, entirely accurate and diplomatic word has gone to my mother-in-law.’

And with that, all of Phoebe and Victor’s friends erupted into a chorus of ‘Simply The Best’.

Mum wasn’t exactly in the running for community relations officer. But she had nailed my sentiments with startling accuracy and delivered them in the sort of style Ginny would have applauded. And yes, we were lucky.

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