Animal Instincts - By Gena Showalter Page 0,50

Rot in hell!

He glanced up from his book and smiled, completely unaware of the fact that I was planning his death in my head.

"Naomi. So good of you to come." He placed his pipe in the ashtray, smoke wafting around him like a misty cloud. "You'll be happy to know I've been studying primitive mating rituals, hoping to help you with your problem."

Mel snorted, and I had to pinch her arm to keep her from saying anything.

"What problem?" I asked.

He didn't answer. "I see you've brought the twins," he said, brightening. "Excellent. Excellent. I'm sure this will be beneficial for everyone."

"Who's your friend?" I motioned to the redhead with a tilt of my chin. I didn't mean to sound so rude, but my blood pressure had escalated several more points.

The woman in question stood and held out her hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Jennifer. Jonathan and Gloria's neighbor."

Neighbor... was that the word for "whoring tramp" nowadays? "So nice to meet you," I ground out. I didn't take her hand.

She blinked over at me, obviously startled by my seemingly unwarranted ambivalence. "Nice to meet you, as well."

"I'm Kera." Kera shot me a what's-wrong-with-you frown before reaching out and clasping Jennifer's hand in a friendly shake. "And this is my sister, Melody. Everyone calls her Mel."

"Jennifer is joining us for the session," Jonathan said. "I thought it would do her some good, too."

I just bet you did, I thought darkly.

Mel, Kera and I settled on the couch. My mom eased onto the armrest beside Jonathan. Jennifer began to reclaim her chair, but Jonathan said, "No, no, Jennifer. You sit beside Naomi."

I tensed, not wanting the tramp anywhere near me.

"I'm fine here," she said, casting a wary glance in my direction.

"To the couch." Jonathan pointed.

I scooted over to make room and Jennifer obligingly sat down. She smelled good, like roses and baby's breath. I made a mental note to hate that scent for the rest of my life, as well as to check Jonathan's laundry for any hint of roses.

"I can feel everyone's eagerness." Jonathan rubbed his hands together in a show of delight. He lived for this shit. "That's the first step toward recovery, you know."

What were we trying to recover from? Being related to cheating male whores?

Get a hold of the bitterness, Naomi. There'll be time, enough for that later. I pasted a fake smile on my face. In the past I'd always put up with these therapy sessions because they made Jonathan happy. He'd done his best to make me feel loved, so I'd done the same for him. Now, today, I only wanted it over.

Using a remote control, Jonathan turned on the stereo. Soft new-age music floated and hummed from the speakers.

Kera rolled her eyes at me and I shrugged.

"Now then, girls," he said. "I want you to relax."

Like that was possible. My bones and muscles felt tight and strung out, brittle, ready to break.

"Close your eyes." He was using his I-am-in-a-happy-place voice. "That's right. Relax. Find your meadow of happiness. Melody, close your eyes please. Good girl. Naomi, you, too."

Though we'd all endured many therapy sessions over the years, I guess none of us had realized that failure to do as Jonathan wanted only prolonged the experience.

"Really, Gloria," Jonathan suddenly sighed. "You're casting shadows over my notes."

"Oh, goodness. I'm sorry." My mom moved to stand in the corner.

I watched the whole thing through slitted eyelids and came close to launching myself across the room and bitch-slapping the man. No one told my mom to get out of their way! This was not a normal interaction between my mom and Jonathan. He was acting strangely, just like my mom had said, and I didn't like it.

One point in Royce's favor was he'd never spoken to me so dismissively, as if I were a pesky fly to be swatted away. Still, the man liked leggy brunettes, and that made him just as bad as Johnnie.

"Better," Jonathan said. "Now, where were we? Close your eyes... check. Meadow of happiness... yes, there." Once again his voice went soft. He sounded like an idiot when he did that. "Imagine yourself in a meadow. A lush, green meadow swaying with wildflowers and lit by sunshine."

Kera squeezed my knee.

Mel smothered a chuckle.

Jennifer had yet to move. In fact, I barely heard her breathing.

"While you're in this safe, happy place, I want you to consider my next words. Picture them, even. Relationships are like maps. When you first meet someone new, you set a course for Copyright 2016 - 2024