Animal Dreams - By Barbara Kingsolver Page 0,34

who'd died in infancy, before I ever knew the family. To tell the truth, I'd forgotten him, in spite of his name passed on to Emelina's first son.

The baby was sitting with his mouth opened unbelievably wide, waiting for my attention to return to his dinner. I poked in the next bite. A scattering of loud laughter like a rainstorm came from the other room, and all of us in the kitchen were quiet. This gang of old women staked out such a presence, we felt almost crowded out of the house. Mason actually gathered up his papers and started to go outside.

Emelina called him back. "Wait a minute, Mason, before you run off, come show Codi your hand. Codi, could you take a look at his hand? There's some kind of bump on it. Do you mind?"

"Why would I mind? Let's have a look." I felt uncomfortable, not because she'd asked, but with myself, playing doctor. I was a doctor, technically, which is to say I had the training, but it unnerved me to think people saw me in that role. Both Emelina and Mason were quiet while I examined his hand. I bent the wrist back and forth and felt the lump on the tendon. "It's a ganglion."

"Is that bad?" Emelina asked.

"No, it's not serious at all. Just a little bump. Usually they go away on their own. Does it hurt, Mason?"

He shook his head. "Only when he has chores to do," Emelina offered.

I put a kiss on my fingertips and rubbed it into his wrist. "There you go, Dr. Codi's special cure." As he ran off it occurred to me, with a certain self-punitive malice, that this was the extent of special curing I was licensed to dispense.

"So what's it like up there at the high school?" Emelina asked. "Don't you keep feeling like Miss Lester's going to catch you smoking in the bathroom?"

"I never smoked in the bathroom," I said, scraping the bottom of the cereal bowl and wiping the baby's mouth with his bib. I'd never seen such efficient eating in my life.

"Oh that's right, Miss Goody Two-Shoes, I forgot. You didn't do things like that." Emelina smiled. She'd been at least as virtuous as I was in high school; the difference was she was popular. Virtue in a cheerleader is admirable, while in a wallflower it's gratuitous.

"Miss Goody Orthopedic-Shoes," I said.

She hooted. "Why on God's green earth did you and Hallie wear those shoes? I never did ask. I figured the polite thing was to just ignore them. Like when somebody has something hanging out of their nose."

"Thank you. We wore them because Doc Homer was obsessed with the bones of the foot."

"Kinky old Doc," she said, stabbing a wooden spoon into a pot of boiled potatoes.

"You have no idea. He used to sit us down and give us lectures on how women destroy their bodies through impractical footwear." I delivered his lecture, which Hallie and I used to ape behind his back: "Of the two hundred bones in the human body, more than a quarter are in the foot. It is a more complicated instrument than an automobile transmission, and it is treated with far less consideration."

Emelina was laughing. "Really, you have to give him credit. All my mom ever told me was 'Sit up straight! Don't get pregnant! And wear a slip!'"

"Doc Homer wasn't that great on pregnancy and underwear, but Lord knows the Noline girls were not going to have fallen arches."

"Where'd you get those god-awful things from? Not the Hollywood Shop, I know that."

"Mail order."


"Swear to God. Hallie and I used to burn the catalogues in the fireplace when they came but he'd still get those damn shoes. For the sizing he'd draw around our feet on a piece of paper and then take all these different measurements. I expect I spent more time with Doc Homer getting my foot measured than any other thing."

Emelina found this hilarious. I know she thought I was exaggerating, but I wasn't. In a way we were grateful for the attention, but the shoes were so appalling. They affected our lives, the two of us differently. Hallie just gave up trying for image, while I went the route of caring too much. It was harder for me, being the first to break into junior high, then high school, in these shoes. I suffered first and therefore more.

"I'm positive that was the whole reason I hardly ever had any dates in high school," I told Copyright 2016 - 2024