Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,97

yet here I am, blushing like a fucking virgin because his eyes drag over every inch of skin on show as I stand there in nothing but a pair of skimpy panties.

He grabs my hips and drags me in close to his body, his eyes focussed entirely on my nipples. “When I get back we’re talking about it, Angel. We’re talking about the money, your ex, who the fuck beat you, and where the hell you’re living. Non-negotiable. I’m going to your new place and I’m setting up security there, I’m sleeping in your fucking bed, and we’re going to figure this shit out.”

I tilt my head up to meet his lips when he leans down to kiss me. He’s gentler this time, still commanding and brutal but the sharp edge is missing. Like maybe this time he’s not trying to punish me, only possess me.

My legs are shaking before he straightens up. He reaches up and cups my cheek, stroking a thumb across my skin and staring at me like he’s trying to memorize every detail of my face before he goes.

It makes my heart thump in my chest in fear.

Where is he going that he thinks he might not make it home?

“You’re coming back, right?” I croak, my voice all gravelly from his kiss.

He smirks at me and rubs a thumb over my bottom lip. “Course I am, sweetness. Can’t get rid of me that easy.”

I smile at him and then, on instinct alone because I have no real clue on how the fuck to flirt with him, I suck his thumb into my mouth and watch as his pupils blow out wide, swallowing the brilliant blue of his irises. He groans and shoves me back into the tiled wall, one hand grabbing at my face to keep my mouth locked around his thumb and the other sliding down to cup my pussy through my panties.

“We don’t have time to finish this tonight, sweetness, but when I get home I’m gonna give you something to swallow. Fuck, this pussy is everything a man could ever want and it’s mine, you hear me? If you’ve been lying to me about having an old man you better lose him before I get back. When I’m home, we’re making this shit official.”

I can’t speak around his thumb so I nod slowly. I’ve never felt this way about a man before, I’d never had the chance, and maybe he hasn’t been the kindest or the sweetest choice but he’s the only one I’ve ever wanted.

Maybe I could be happy with him.

I get through my shower and getting ready for work at the clubhouse. Tomi waits until I’ve made it down to Pops’ safely to grab the Chevy before he rides out with the others, the roar of the motorcycles loud on the quiet streets of Coldstone.

Pops hands over the keys and talks me through what Poe has fixed up and what else I might need to watch out for.

“You bring her here from now on, you hear? We take care of family.”

I swallow roughly and smile at him. “I really appreciate everything you and Poe have done for me. Really, it means a lot.”

He waves me off, dropping the hood back down with that respectful sort of care a man has when he’s dealing with a classic like this. “I saw you comin’ out of the compound. You get rid of that man of yours and found a biker?”

I startle and clutch at my bag a little tighter. “Oh— uh, yeah. I’m seeing Tomi. It’s much… uh… better. Thanks.”

I don’t want to lie to him, especially when he’s showing such a kind interest in my wellbeing, but I also don’t want to explain what the hell is going on.

“Tomi’s a good man. Hawk and Keely raised good kids, Rue’s a good one too. Watches out for Posey, keeps her safe. You’re in good hands, Keely wouldn’t stand for any of ‘em raising a hand at a woman.”

I wring my hands a little and he huffs out a breath at me again. “Off you go, you’re a busy girl. Drive carefully, call if you need anything.”

I make it to my shift and spend the night with Axe, following his every direction and studying quietly in Tomi’s office between dances. I finally feel as though I’m getting enough sleep and food, and it’s much easier to focus on my classwork between dances than it ever was at the library.

After my last dance I take Copyright 2016 - 2024