Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,93

fucking safe for the night and then I’ll drive you into work. You don’t have to party or talk to anyone.”

She nods and glances around. I follow her gaze and I see all of the extra bikes hanging around. There’s a party going on like there usually is on a Friday night but the fear is real in every inch of her as she counts up the vehicles.

I see it now.

And I don’t like it, not one bit, so I do something fucking stupid. I strip my jacket off and sling it over her shoulders, marking her up as mine and definitely not available to any of my brothers and then I tuck her tiny hand in mine. Wearing my shirt with the patch was one thing but wearing my jacket in front of other charters?

No mistaking that move.

“Come on, I’m not in the mood for a party either. I’ll get you to my room and then I’ll grab us both something to eat.”

She nods and hesitates for half a second before stepping in close to me, using my body as a shield as we move into the crowd of men and women spilling out of the packed bar.

I feel ten feet fucking tall.

Her bag is tucked in tight between our bodies like she’s scared it’ll get ripped away by the crowd. There’s shouts and jeering as we make our way through but I ignore them all. I’ve got zero fucking time for any of their shit tonight. I’m stone-cold sober and the only thing on my mind is Angel.

“Who the fuck is that? Is she wearing your patch right now?”

I roll my eyes and pull Angel in closer to my side as Monroe steps into my path. Fucking dumb bitch, if her daddy wasn’t a brother I’d take her down a fucking notch right here but I don’t have time to deal with this bullshit.

Angel just wants to get to my room.

“It’s none of your fucking business. Go find Diesel and suck him off, I’ve got nothing for you.”

She smirks, trying to get a look at Angel but my girl is tucked in tight with her head down. “Oh really? You bringing a fucking stripper home? Your momma must be so proud, Tomi.”

Angel’s hand twitches in mine but for once I’m not angry at her for getting her tits out at the club.

I’m fucking livid at Monroe for talking down to her.

She sees it too, sees the look in my eye that says she’s fucked up and there’s no coming back from it.

“Get your ass the fuck out of my way before I decide to take it personal and tell Diesel about your little obsession with Rue. Does he know you’re trying so fucking hard to bend over for his brother? Fuck, does Dave know you’re trying to fuck us all?”

She finally gets the fuck out of our way and I get moving, weaving through the drunk and stumbling crowd until I get us to my room. I get it unlocked and gently push Angel in there first, breathing a little easier when she’s in my space and away from all of the bullshit and debauchery.

If she saw the four-way happening on the pool table she says nothing about it, just pulls the jacket around herself a little tighter.

She looks fucking perfect in my leather.

I sling her bag down onto the couch. “Lemme grab us some food. I saw burgers, anything you don’t like?”

She shakes her head and I head out.

It takes me way too long to grab the shit. King tries to catch my eye but I ignore him, making my way back through the crowd without pausing for fucking anything.

When I get back Angel is still standing in the middle of the room clutching at my jacket like it’s a goddamn lifesaver and she’s stuck out at sea.

“Angel, you’re here for the next couple of nights. You can’t be standing around feeling fucking awkward for days.”

She startles and turns around to give me a half-smile. “Sorry. I just don’t want to get in your way… I don’t want to rock the boat.”

Her voice is quiet still, like she really is afraid I’m about to kick her ass out. “Here. Eat this so we can go the fuck to bed. I’m gonna go shower first.”

She nods and takes the plate, perching her ass down on the couch and then falling onto the burger like she’s gone days without food.

Come to think of it… “When the fuck did you Copyright 2016 - 2024