Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,9

shit herself, she did not want her on the books but the fucking way she moved… fuck, I’d pay good green myself for a private dance.”

Axe chuckles and shrugs. “You waste all your fucking money down there ‘cause you don’t know how to get pussy without paying. Maybe you need to spend a little more time at a real bar and not just the titty one.”

Monroe walks through with Diesel in tow and half the fucking room groans inaudibly. I know it for sure because we’re all turning away, hoping they’re not gonna park their asses with us.

Of course she picks me.

“What’s the sour fucking face for, Tomi? Finally caught the clap from those whores you’ve been fucking?”

Speck curses under his breath and walks away, just turns on his heel and stalks over to serve drinks further down the bar. I set my glass down and face the little cunt.

Dave’s kid and born into the club, she’s been a fucking nightmare from day one. A different sort to Trink because she’s somehow managed to rope Diesel into handing over his patch to her and yet she spends her days desperately following me and my cousins around.

Difference between Trink and Monroe is that my sister just wants to live her own life. Monroe wants to fucking destroy whoever she touches and fuck is she desperate to touch me.

“Only whore I see around here is you. How about you go on back into Diesel's room and leave us all to have a good night?”

Diesel gives me a hard look and I grin back at him because I’m itching for a fight now. He stands up from his seat and snarls, “Shut your fucking mouth.”

Axe curses under his breath and starts looking around for backup.

“I’m not saying anything that isn’t true so how about you fucking make me. Unless your little whore of an old lady has your balls about that too.”

He dives at me but I’m in the mood to fucking beat the shit outta him and serve a reminder of a lifetime to him and all of the other men here.

Callaghans own this place.

Everyone else can fall the fuck into line.

Chapter Three


I make almost eight thousand dollars in my first shift at The Boulevard.

After I convinced Diamond to hire me with my first dance she gave me an ID pass and information about working here. The tour was short thanks to my unwillingness to do any of the extra jobs and the only other things I needed to know were about the themed nights the club holds. I’m a little nervous about how much I’m going to have to spend on underwear and shoes but the stacks of bills that were in Diamond’s hands from my audition keep popping into my mind.

I can do this.

The bouncer lets me in before the club opens and I walk straight to the locker room without really looking around the room that the staff are setting up for the night.

The locker room is full of girls, most of them either naked or wearing the teeny tiny outfits that the bar staff here wear. I find the locker I was assigned and unlock it, shoving my bag inside and grabbing out the supplies I need to take a quick shower to get ready. None of the girls try to speak to me but they all sure do enjoy watching my every move.

I already feel like an outsider.

I try to tell myself it’ll get better, I just need to prove myself. If I keep my head down and dance my ass off hopefully they’ll come around. I don’t need friends but fuck, it wouldn’t be so bad to have them.

I only have two slots for dances but my crowd is bigger than any other girl in the room, half the guys there are familiar or wearing patches. Word has clearly gotten out about the new girl.

I change outfits for the second dance, something a little less white and little more sexual with the diamonds and feathers. I’m stashing the other, sweaty outfit into my bag when the door opens and Diamond walks in, a sour look on her face as she stops next to my locker. I keep my eyes on what I’m doing and she huffs out an annoyed breath at me.

“If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have hired you. Girls who think they’re too good to do extra don’t last here and I don’t really want to have to deal with the drama Copyright 2016 - 2024