Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,86

wanna do that?"

She giggles and picks at the bacon with her fingers, the eggs and toast already demolished. "I'm good at numbers. Plus I want to go into taxes. Like, auditing probably because I just find the whole process... like a puzzle. There's always a loophole or a way to do things to save more money and I love that shit. It's weird, I know, but... I just like it."

It's stupid. It's so fucking stupid, I know it before I say it, but my dumbass mouth runs with it anyway. "So, if I gave you the books for the club, you could look over them? See if there's anything we could do to save some green?"

I don’t tell her about the missing money.

She swallows and shrugs. "I could. I'm not certified or anything yet, I still have classes left to go but... yeah, I could do it. I could pick up the basics and if the guy you're going to now isn't picking that shit up I can let you know so you can find someone new."

I nod and finish my coffee. I'm dead on my feet but I still have a few hours left before she goes to work and I want to go over the security footage again.

When we leave, she drops a twenty on the table as a tip and smiles at the waitress. She's still careful to make sure no one touches her but when she walks, she tucks herself in a little closer to me as if she's using my body as a shield.

I like it a little too much.

I give her my helmet again and I wait until she's wrapped around me fully before I start my hog. She still smells like honey and sunshine, even after a night of sleeping in the hospital and I want that smell all over my fucking sheets again, just in case it’s faded some.

This is starting to get outta hand.

When we get back to the clubhouse it's still like a fucking ghost town. King has every single member out on the streets either looking for intel, guarding our assets, or out of the fucking way because they're on our list of possible rats.

I duck my head into King's office on my way through, Angel looking around at everything like she's fucking terrified.

He barely looks up from his paperwork as I speak."Rue is in with Speck. I'll go back tonight. Any sign of Hell?"

He grunts at me. "He's sleeping his hangover off at Hawk's. Keely's with him to make sure he doesn't choke on his own damn tongue. Did you find Angel?"

Jesus. I nod. “She's going to stay here until she starts her shift tonight."

His eyebrows shoot up and he finally looks up. He can't really see her past me but when she peeks out from behind me he quirks an eyebrow. "Make sure you call Keely. She's fit for a fucking heart attack and Hawk's turned into an asshole about it."

I give him a curt nod and start back down the hall. Angel scurries after me, King's chuckle following us both down. I feel like a fucking teenager, the curse is fucking worse than just the obsessing... you have to deal with smug, asshole family members too.

Utter fucking bullshit.

Angel is uncomfortable as fuck when I unlock my room, kicking the door open and wincing at the state of the place. She doesn't seem to notice the mess though, just stares around at the piles of computer shit and weapons I have littering every damn surface.

I get her all of the financials for the bar and set her up on my bed with my laptop and an energy drink. I grab a shower and pull on clean clothes, ready to fucking pass out but there's no time for that shit. I do make time to text the head biker bitch to get her to come grab some of the dirty laundry that’s everywhere.

I never let people into my room so I'm sure there'll be a fight over who gets to come do it. I haven't fucked any of them since I laid eyes on Angel and there's been some talk about it. Fuck, maybe not the best idea to have anyone come in but... well, Angel has made it clear she's not fucking interested in being mine. Maybe I'll fucking test that theory.

I park my own ass at my desk and get back to trawling through the security footage.

Anna walks in wearing a tiny pair of shorts and Copyright 2016 - 2024