Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,82

up for the night.”

She scoffs and throws herself backwards on the bed. “It’ll be the only way I get some damn action in this dumbass town!”

I feel so freaking awkward sitting here with the two of them arguing like this, my skin begins to itch.

I try not to think about him being a cop.

I sit up on the couch and scoot my ass to the edge. “I’ll just grab a cab back to the hotel now I can. I’m really sorry again for disturbing your night.”

Thorn shrugs and steps into the bedroom properly. Poe glares at him from where she’s lying but he ignores her completely. “It was no trouble. I can drive you on my way to my shift this afternoon. Unless you have work? It’s no trouble at all.”

Poe sits up sharply. “She’ll need a lift to The Boulevard tonight and I’ll get Speck to give her a ride back here when she’s done. She’s crashing on my couch for the rest of the week.”

I shoot her a look but she only gives me sass back.

Thorn doesn’t even question it, just shrugs and says, “You better be at school every day, Poe. If you start slacking off I’ll put you under house arrest.”

I open my mouth to argue, I’ve paid for the hotel already so I don’t need to crash anyway, and Thorn shoots me a look. “Girls like you shouldn’t be sleeping at a hotel by yourself like that. We can swing by and grab anything you left there before your shift. I’ll talk to the reception to get your money back.”

I have no choice but to nod. I don’t really want to talk to him while he’s standing there in uniform.

I can’t.

Poe cackles like a freaking witch and dances around as she teases him. “Stop looking at him like you think he’s about to fucking arrest you. Thorn’s not like a regular cop, he’s a cool cop.”

He huffs at her and clicks the door shut after himself.

I give her a look but she’s too busy being an idiot to take notice of me. “If you wanna get back at Tomi for being a shithead, please don’t fuck Thorn. I just— I can’t deal with that at all. Nope. Gross.”

I collapse back on the couch and pull the blanket back over my head, cussing her out when she only laughs harder at me.

It almost freaking kills me, but I let Thorn drive me to The Boulevard in his police cruiser. My hands shake the whole time but he’s nice enough not to comment about it.

When the car stops in the parking lot, he smiles at me and it strikes me how different he looks to Poe. Their coloring is completely different and his smile is nice enough but it’s not the same bright one she has.

“I’ll grab you around four, is that okay? If not, I’m sure Speck can drop you off.”

I nod and get out, clutching my bag to my chest a little. As an afterthought, I remember my goddamn manners and lean down to say, “Thanks again for the ride and for grabbing me last night. I really can’t thank you enough.”

His phone starts ringing and I get my ass moving, my first dance starts in less than a half hour.

I get let into the back door by a biker, one I don't know, and he checks my ID carefully before he lets me pass.

"What time is your shift?"

I startle, fumbling over my words. "My first dance is at midnight and then I'm on again at two. Is... is everything okay?"

He hands it back and jerks his head at me to pass. "Extra security on from here on out. You're fine, just so long as you're here for your shifts and that's it."

My stomach drops a little. Why would they need extra security? What could possibly have happened? Fuck, is it Tomi?

Why is he the first person I think of? Jesus, him or Speck... even if it were Rue, I'm going to be heartbroken if any of them are hurt.

It would destroy Poe if anything happened to him.

I get through my first dance easy enough but when I walk off stage there’s something in the air, all the bikers in the room are on edge and the ones who are working are watching the room like they’re expecting a bomb to go off.

Something fucking terrible has happened.

My stomach drops to my knees.

I take two steps towards the locker room when the big guy from the Copyright 2016 - 2024