Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,80

to leave and Thorn calls out. "I need your statement. There are men dead here, Tomi, you gotta come in."

I scoff at him. "No, I for fucking sure do not need to come in. I need to go call my mom and tell her Speck's coming in. I need to clean up and head to the hospital myself. I need to go sit and wait to hear if they can save him. That’s what I need to fucking do."

Rue slaps me on the back and nods. "I did the shooting. Tomi did all the saving, you can get his statement later."

I meet his eye and he gives me a nod. I'm the one who can find this cunt so he'll man the fuck up and take the fall. That’s what this club fucking does, that's what being a brother means.

I leave without another word, riding like a bat outta hell back to the clubhouse and stalking straight into the shower without stopping. King calls out to me but I ignore him, something I would normally get my ass reamed for but today is not that day.

When I'm clean enough to handle the computer I stalk back out in a pair of jeans to find Hawk and King waiting in my room.

"What exactly is the plan here? We can't just ride off to Texas, as much as I fucking want to right now. Tell me where your head is right now, Tomi." King says, his hands on his hips as he takes some deep fucking breaths.

I get it.

I do.

He did hard time for the good of this club and came home to the problem being even fucking worse than when he left. But the thing is, shit has changed around here.

"I'm going to fucking find them. I'm going to find out whoever let those cunts into my fucking town and into that bar because they didn't roll up there without information."

Hawk lights up a cigarette and perches his ass on my bed. "And how exactly are you going to do that? Is that fucking computer of yours a crystal ball?"

He's pissed off, I always know just how irritated he is by how much he rags on me for knowing how to use this shit. It's fine.

"No, it's not but the security cams I've installed fucking everywhere around our properties might just help out with the problem."

King frowns and uses his foot to clear my couch. The entire room looks like a frat house but I don't give a fuck. "What are cameras going to pick up? I mean, we know they got in there because the door was fucking open thanks to the cleaning."

"There's three different leads right now and I'm following all of them until I find out who the fuck did it."

Hawk tips his head back and blows a stream of smoke out at the ceiling. "Who shot up the bar last night, that's a lead. Did they do it trying to hit someone or just trying to fucking get some of us alone."

King nods. "Was it a random choice or did they want Hellion and Speck there?"

I start going through the files. "Or Law. Is this about Coldstone or is it about Mounts Bay and Harbin?"

King scratches his chin. "Third option?"

I don't want to vocalize it, not at all, but I do. "Hell was supposed to be there by himself. Speck and Law went because Law wanted to earn some green."

I don't have to say another word.

Because we're all too busy trying not to think about the fucking worst option.

Is Harbin's son a rat?

Chapter Twenty One


I wake up to Poe’s face about an inch away from mine.

“What in God’s name do you think you’re doing sleeping on the goddamn street instead of calling me? We’re supposed to be friends, Angel. Friends call when they need a fucking couch for the night.”

I blink at her but she just hovers over me like I’ve kicked her goddamn puppy. “I’m sorry. I… I actually couldn’t call you. I lost my phone and I haven’t exactly memorized your number. Look, I just— I had a bad night.”

She frowns a little harder and then sits down on the couch next to my legs so I’m pinned in. “What happened? You went home with Tomi right? What the hell is going on with him?”

I groan and fling an arm over my eyes. I didn’t even get the chance for a shower last night when we got back here, Poe just led me upstairs and Copyright 2016 - 2024