Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,76

here at my garage who needs a bed for the night and a friend. Poe knows her, she’s been working on her car… yeah, that would be her. Come pick her up and get her something to eat, she looks exhausted… yeah, sure.”

He hangs up and I try to pick my jaw up off of the ground. “That was my grandson, Briar. He and Poe live further out in the suburbs, only a few streets over from here. He’s a cop, he’s not going to hurt you but my guess is he’ll wake Poe and they’ll both come to get you.”

I blink away the tears. “I really… I can’t thank you enough, sir.”

He scoffs but it’s a gentle sound. “My name is Alby but you can call me Pops. You seem like a good girl. You need to stay away from that guy who kicked you out, no decent man ever does that to a woman.”

I nod. “I’m trying to, sir- I mean, uhh, Pops. I just keep making dumb choices.”

Chapter Twenty


You know what’s worse than fucking flinching?

I’m not. I’m really not yours.

Fuck, I was this fucking close to opening the fuck up and telling her about everything. Telling her about the curse, about the way she fucking owns me, the ways that hearing her voice down that phone all thready and terrified had me ready to fucking spill blood in her name for the rest of my goddamned life.

I’m fucked.

And she laid there, panting and sweaty and fucking stunning, and as good as told me she didn’t fucking want me beyond a good fuck.

Okay, a fucking great fuck.

The second she leaves, I throw my clothes back on and make it my fucking mission to get blackout drunk. I should have a shower to get the honey-scent of her off of me but, like I said, she’s got me fucked in the head so when I wake up in my bed the following afternoon I can still smell her on my skin and my sheets.

I lay there and fucking stew in it.

I hate her.

I want her.

I want to hate her so much more than I do but instead I’m laying here fucking worried about her.

Finally I get my bitch-ass up and take a shower, shave while I try not to look at my bloodshot eyes too much, and get dressed.

When I leave my room, I find King in the chapel with the door wide open. I hesitate for about a half second but the whole fucking deal of being a man is owning your bullshit.

“You got a minute, Prez?”

He glances up at me and nods with a frown. I step into the room but I don’t close the door. I’ll keep my voice down but I don’t want anyone getting suspicious about our conversation.

It’s not about the fucking rat.

“It’s about the shooting at the bar. I’ve been thinking about it and I need to triple the security at The Boulevard."

King nods and leans back in his chair. "You think they'll hit there next?"

I shrug and pause for about a half second before I answer him honestly. Owning my fucking bullshit. "I don't wanna talk about it with Keely or Hawk yet but... I was 'struck. Angel is working down there and while there's even a fucking chance that she could get caught up in this... I'd just rather there's extra eyes. It makes sense that if they've hit the bar and the shipments it's only a matter of time before they go after the garage and the titty bar. Rue will keep shit on lockdown at the garage and I'll get over to The Boulevard when I can but right now, I've got to be where the club needs me and that isn’t always with her.”

He stares at me for a half second and then says, "A stripper? You've been 'struck by a stripper?"

I huff out a breath. "Yup. The curse strikes again, there's no fucking chance of this ending well but I'll be goddamned if I can't stop looking out for her."

King nods and looks out of the door. The bar is quiet, no guys loitering around at the moment. Everyone is on edge and has a job to fucking do. Beer will just have to wait.

"She’s the new girl right? That one who broke Mav's nose for trying to touch her? What's her story?"

I do not want to talk about her, especially not with my lost uncle, the one I haven't had all that much to do with Copyright 2016 - 2024