Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,54

You're practically begging for him to fuck you in my goddamn kitchen."

His kitchen? I'm fairly certain this is the MC's kitchen but I keep that little tidbit to myself as I flee.

Poe grabs my arm on the way out and her eyes are all sorts of worried. "Angel, what the hell happened to you? Did someone hurt you? Jesus, Trink go get Tomi."

Oh fuck. "I'm fine. Honestly, I just don't feel well and I wanna go home."

The doors behind me open again and Tomi comes stalking out. I rip my arm out of Poe's grip and take off for my truck before anyone can stop me again. Speck calls out to me but Tomi's words ring in my ears and I hightail it out of there, not stopping until I'm locked in my car, the engine running and my breath heaving out of my chest.

Holy shit.

Am I crying right now?

Where the hell have these tears come from? I have no clue but they're streaming down my face, like a freaking stream just overtaking me completely.

Maybe Coldstone isn’t for me.

Chapter Fourteen


I get all of the phones ready to be given out.

I cover every fucking base I can think of. Tracking their GPS, their keystrokes, alerts if they’re changing SIM cards, logging every password they might put into a website or an app, and I make the camera and mic remote accessible so if they go somewhere they shouldn’t be I can figure out what the fuck they’re doing. I’m not sure what will be the most useful because half the guys barely know how to text, but I want to be sure I’ve thought of everything.

It’s a good distraction from all of the bullshit going on in my head because I’m a fucking mess. I don’t know how the hell Rue survives this, how he deals with feeling so fucking angry and out of control all the damn time.

No wonder he’s so fucking grumpy.

I do the entire lot of the work in my childhood bedroom where I’m absolutely positive there’s not any fucking bugs. I’ve swept the place enough times to be sure, I’ve torn the whole fucking house apart twice in the last week.

Keely is good about it, no doubt Hawk has told her about our plans, but I just can’t shake the fact that maybe someone is in this fucking house and planting bugs.

I’m fucking paranoid.

Sunday night finally rolls around and Keely makes us all dinner and before taking Trink down to the den to eat quietly together. Trink is obviously still a little afraid of King because she doesn’t argue once, just grabs her plate and follows Keely out.

Law and Lyn are both out running errands for Keely so around the table it’s only the Callaghan men, only the blood we can trust.

Speck still looks a little shocked to be at the table.

I flick the switch on the jammer I made myself, just in case, and give King a nod. If I missed a bug, this will stop that shit from working.

There’s silence for a moment, only the scraping of forks on plates to be heard.

Finally, Hawk huffs and starts shoveling food into his mouth, “Let’s get this shit over with sooner rather than later. Anyone have any fucking leads?”

Speck looks around at everyone like a fucking idiot and Hellion death glares him into silence. Fuck being the youngest, unpatched project of the family. I’d be fucking swinging.

Rue takes a swig of his beer and says, “I’ve got a few. Nothing concrete but I’m working on it.”

I know all about his hunches and I think he’s fucking right in them but that’s for him to chase.

I’ve got my own shit to handle. “I have a plan. I’m bugging everyone’s phones, I’m bugging the entire clubhouse, and everything that is club owned.”

King and Hawk both nod without a word, all the go ahead I need and Hellion scoffs. “You and your fucking computer shit, you’re not going to catch fucking Dave doing anything on his phone.”

I shrug. I don’t need them to understand what I’m doing.

I just need them to fucking shut up and do something when I catch the assholes in action. Rue shoots me a look from across the room, the warning in his eyes clear as a fucking bell. I need to tone my shit down but, fuck if that isn’t impossible.

I know my shit.

Hawk sets his beer down on the table and blows out a breath. “Is there anything you can do about the Boar’s Copyright 2016 - 2024