Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,50

is happening here."

He storms out, leaving his own homework behind like it means nothing to him. Law grimaces and glances up at me. “He’s just pissed off, it ain’t you.”

I shrug because it’s none of my business really and I chew my lip as I sift through the last few pages of work. “So uh—what’s a Demon?”

Law chokes out a laugh and Poe buries her face in her hands, her answer muffled behind them, “They’re the fucking worst MC that’s ever existed. Also for like… reference or whatever… technically my sperm donor is the president of the entire MC. He’s literally the worst human on Earth so if you see anyone in a Demon cut, run. Run and call Tomi the second you can.”

I nod because, I mean, what else can I do? And we get back to work on the homework. Law is nice enough to me, doesn’t start shit or look at me like he’s judging me, but I’m still glad to head on home.

Poe grins when I give her a quick hug, thanking me with that big grin of hers plastered on her face.

I stop in at the tiny grocery store at the edge of town on my way back through. It’s not exactly a good area but it’s open even this late at night and I need some energy drinks to get me through tomorrow morning’s lectures.

The guy behind the counter leers at me when I walk in but I ignore him, stalking straight through to the drink fridges. I grab some candy bars too, I’m due for my period and I’m craving the sugar. I know I’ll regret it when I bloat but, fuck, Diamond has only given me two shifts next week anyway.

What does it matter if I’m a bit bloated for my online classes?

I turn around with my arms full of crap to find Tomi in the fucking grocery store with me, glaring at me like I’m his biggest fucking problem.

Oh God.

“What the fuck are you doing in here? It’s nearly fucking midnight and there’s a stabbing every fucking minute in this place.”

I clear my throat to try to find my voice. “I was… helping Poe out. Just driving through, I needed shit for class tomorrow. Is there… something wrong?”

He huffs at me and stalks towards me. “Something wrong? Yeah, I’m too fucking busy to be chasing pieces of ass around who can’t take care of their own shit.”

I frown at him glancing around but there’s no one in here but me. “I’m just buying snacks, what’s the problem? Is this like a turf thing or—“

He curses viciously under his breath at me. “Coldstone belongs to the Unseen, this isn’t a fucking turf thing. This is about me getting home and finding your car parked outside of the shittiest fucking store in the whole town dressed like you’re for sale. Pay for your shit and get out of here. Stop making fucking trouble for me.”

I nod and walk past him, still confused over what his problem is. I didn’t ask for him to come looking and I’m in jeans and a hoodie, even though it’s hot as fuck out.

The guy behind the counter rings up all of my shit, smirking at me the whole time but I ignore it, handing my cash over and taking my change.

I’m silently begging him not to say something that’ll prove Tomi right.

Of fucking course he does.

“Hey, don’t you work out at the strip joint? Yeah, you do! You’re the hottest one there! Fuck, you must have some sexy fucking titties under that ugly sweatshirt-”

He’s interrupted by Tomi’s fist breaking the glass on one of the displays. I jump a mile into the air and the guy shits himself, jumping back away from me like his ass is on fire.

“You ever speak to her like that again and I’ll cut your tongue outta your head and feed it to you, you hear me?”

The guy nods and clutches at his chest like he’s having a heart attack, all fucking terrified now he’s faced with the giant, tattooed biker. I don’t see him as the scary guy I once faced but this guy sure does.

He was just speaking to me like that so it makes no sense that he’d be defending my fucking honor. I mean… I am just a stripper. I’m a woman who sells her naked body on stage for tips.

Tomi had just said it to me himself.

Piece of ass.

I blink at them both until Tomi barks at Copyright 2016 - 2024