Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,46

about something as stupid as money.

She always did say, Hawk keeps the lights on and food on the table.

She keeps sharp and ready to stitch him and the boys up just the second they need it.

And that’s how their marriage works.

“What are you doing today? As much as I’m sure you missed me cooking for you, you always come home with a plan.”

I shrug. “I’m heading on a drive to grab some tech shit. I’m upgrading everyone’s shit in batches and it’ll take me a fucking week just to get half the guys online.”

Keely laughs and wipes her hands, grabbing her purse and leaning down to kiss my cheek before she leaves. “Those old bikers won’t ever figure out an iPhone, Thomas. Stick to simple.”

I wave her off and listen to the familiar sounds of her getting into her car, the engine starting and then backing out. Something I’ve heard so many times in my childhood that it’ll never leave me, no matter how long I’ve been crashing at the clubhouse.

I don’t care whether or not the Unseen want new tech.

I care about what that tech is going to report back to me.

I clean up my plate because Keely Callaghan didn’t raise a disrespectful shit, just an outlaw with no time for the law. Then I get on the road.

The plan is simple.

I get new smart phones for as many of the guys as I can. I tell them all that I’m doing it to bring the club into the present, drag their old fucking outlaw asses outta the Wild West and into the real world, and I make a lotta fucking jokes about it.

Enough jokes that the assholes all just take what they’re given without question.

There’s plenty of shit that upgrading their phones will tell me. GPS trackers on them all is child’s play. I want their fucking keystrokes. I want who they’re calling, what they’re looking up, the photos they’re taking, the texts they’re sending. I want every fucking second of their lives for me to sift through until I’m fucking sure that they’re not the fucking rats.

I haven’t run this shit past King… not really, but I have plans to bring it up with him the second I can get him alone for sure. There’s no point in waiting around, this shit takes time and he’s not going to say no.

I’m in charge of tech and security for a reason.

When I get to New Orleans, I stick out like a sore thumb.

Doesn’t fucking matter. I get in and out of the store and walk out with thirty-five smartphones, paid in cash, and there’s one for every member plus Speck and… the twins, Lyndon and Lawson.

I feel like a piece of shit even questioning them but, fuck, if anyone is going to have beef about our club you’d think it’d be Harbin’s twin boys.

Their mother is a junkie living on the streets of Mounts Bay, she chose a high over feeding them back when they were kids. Harbin is a decent enough kinda guy but he’s never had time to raise them so instead he dropped them off with Keely and Hawk.

Keely never asked questions, just told Hawk he needed to build that extension fucking pronto.

I’d already moved out to college when they showed up but my mom has always kept all of our rooms like fucking shrines in case we wanna come home. It’s fucking handy for Rue.

His bedroom window faces Poe’s.

Yep, he’s been sleeping next door to his little flower from the second she rolled into town at six years old. Fuck, I remember it perfectly. Thorn just up and disappeared for three weeks. It was the same time King was being sent to prison for shit he didn’t fucking do and our entire club was in fucking chaos.

Pops moved out the same day they came home and Poe was this little thing, gangly arms and eyes too fucking big for her face.

Rue’s obsession started from the very first day.

Motherfucking cursed, at least he knows for sure that he’s lovestruck. Poe’s been fucking obsessed with him just as much as he’s fucking gaga over her.

I bet Poe would never flinch away.

Fuck, Angel has turned me into some whiny bitch. I need to man the fuck up and take care of club business. Then maybe I’ll go find some biker bitch to fuck the memory of Angel’s mouth away.

Great plan.

Except that the fucking thought of someone else doesn’t interest my dick at all. Fuck, I need to Copyright 2016 - 2024