Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,40

Boulevard. I have Mel coming over,” Rue says, his eyes still on the ground, digging me out of the fucking murder that’s about to happen.

I finally look up to meet Angel’s eyes.

Her pupils are blown out, her lips are parted and, fuck me, she’s breathing in these little pants that make me wanna push her back into that bathroom and fuck her against the wall.

I step forward and she snaps out of the trance, ducking her head and scurrying backwards.

“No worries, I’ll just get dressed again.”

She snaps the door shut and I start cursing up a storm.

Rue huffs and pulls out his phone to call Diamond and arrange the swap. “You are fucked, brother. You are fucked.”

Chapter Eleven


After being sent away from the bachelor party, I head over to The Boulevard to cover for Mel’s shift. It’s a long night of dealing with Diamond being pissed off at me and when it’s finally over the last thing I wanna hear is her fucking voice. I’m digging through my locker for my shampoo, ready to scrub myself completely before I head back to my Chevy to pass out, and I damn near hit my head when she speaks to me.

“Tomi wants to see you in the back.”

I glance over my shoulder at her but the only thing on her face is a smug grin.

My stomach drops.

I pull a shirt over my head and when I move to grab up some pants she snorts at me. “He’s an impatient man, you might wanna hurry your ass up. Besides, going in there fully clothed might just piss him off.”


I lock up my shit and then head to the office, my hands shaking a little at whatever it is he could possibly want from me. Fuck, I’ve been dancing my ass off, coming up with new shit so the crowds stay as big as ever around here, I’m always on time, I never gossip or start shit with the other girls… what could I have possibly done wrong?

I take a deep breath before I knock in an attempt to calm my nerves but nothing prepares me for the low tones of Tomi’s voice when he calls out to invite me in.

He doesn’t sound pissed off.

My hands shake a little more as I open the door and step in, finding Tomi behind the desk with a bottle of Jack and two shot glasses.

“Take a seat.”

Why the hell do my legs get weak at the command?

I stumble over and collapse into the chair, telling myself I’m just exhausted. I’ve been working harder than any of the other girls and my muscles are feeling it but I know I’m lying to myself.

Tom is wearing a black shirt under his cut, the sleeves short and tight over his arms. The tattoos flex over his muscles and it’s clear there’s something about this man that draws me in because… I want him. I fucking want him enough that maybe I could touch him and have him touch me.

He smirks at me, still not saying a thing, and slowly picks up the bottle to pour out the shots.

I find my voice, rough and drenched in heady lust, “I don’t drink whiskey.”

Tomi shrugs. “Do the shots with me. What’s it going to hurt?”


I’ve never had hard liquor before and he’s too intense for me to try it out for the first time. I mean, he’s never tried to touch me, not once, but every time he comes into the club he sits in the corner and watches me all night. I think half the reason the other girls hate me is because he doesn’t watch any of them anymore. I try to tell them I don’t want his attention, I really don’t, but that just makes them even more angry.

Diamond keeps snapping at me, like I’m acting ‘too good’ for him. Fuck, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m a runaway gutter rat flashing her tits to old men for money.

I’m the lowest of the low.

My own self-loathing pushes me into taking the shot, wincing when it burns the whole way down. Tomi takes his without so much as a flinch, refilling both glasses and pushing mine back in my direction.

Bad idea be damned, I knock it back and this time it barely touches the sides.

He leans back and looks at me through hooded eyes. “This is your performance evaluation, I just wanna go through a few things with you and whiskey might help us along.”

I shrug, the warmth pooling Copyright 2016 - 2024