Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,143

usual brand of shit I’ll happily deal with the club's consequences to put a bullet in you."


Now I’m scared.

The tattoo guy chuckles and motions us into the back room. Tomi leads but he keeps a firm hold of my hand.

"How big is this patch gonna be and where am I putting it? Pretty little thing like her shouldn't be tramp stamped."

I hear Tomi's teeth grind together. "Shut your fucking face up and just do the job, Onyx."

He explains the whole thing, where it's going and how big, but I still don't know what this tattoo entails. Onyx obviously does because he has it all drawn up and the stencil on me in under a minute. When he directs me to lay down on the chair Tomi sits close enough to choke him out if he needs to and then he holds my hand the whole way through it.

It doesn't hurt all that much but I would do just about anything to get the guy to stop touching me. Just because I can take it from Tomi and his family now doesn't mean I like other people touching me. Nope, I'd still rather stick pins in my eyeballs.

"Speck wants to learn how to tattoo. Maybe I should vouch for him when he finishes up prospecting, just in case you want something else,” Tomi mumbles, bringing my hand up to his lips to kiss my knuckles when Onyx finally finishes. He offers to show it to me with a mirror and I shake my head.

I don't want to spend any extra time here and to be honest, it doesn't really matter to me what the tattoo looks like. It matters to me that Tomi's eyes flare when he looks at it, that he loves it, and that it'll mark me as someone the Unseen protect.

That's what I care about.

"Right. What do you want then?" Onyx says as he cleans up his station and starts pulling out sterilized equipment.

"I want Angel tattooed on my throat. And I want Jazmin tattooed in the patch on my back. Put it in the skull."

My heart kind of stops beating a little, just skips along a little before it recovers.

"Two names? Your old lady is fine with that?" Onyx says, scoffing and inking up the gun.

Tomi doesn't explain it. He just strips off his cut and his shirt, handing them both over to me, and then sits through both of the tattoos. The one on his throat stands out, stark against the patterns he has there already, and the one on his back blends in a little more.

When we leave together, hand in hand, he huffs at my curious look. “Jazmin is still your name. It's what you signed for your house as. If you wanna change your name again I'll get that too. Whatever you need, sweetness."

I blush. "I'm sticking with Angel.”

He pulls his jacket off and slings it over my shoulders before we climb back onto his bike, marking me as his and protected by the Unseen. He waits until my arms are tight around him before we speed back down the highway towards Coldstone, one of his hands holding my cast steady now I can’t get as good a grip on him.

When he stops and pulls his motorcycle up alongside my old Chevy everything just feels fucking… right in my life now.

Mrs. Farley is on her porch, glaring at us both and I wave at her with a bright smile, channeling Poe just a little because I know it’ll piss the old bitch off. She’s already made her displeasure at having bikers living on her street well-known.

I’m killing her with kindness.

Tomi just wants to plain kill her.

“Angel, you need to stop playing with her and get inside before I bend you over your porch railing and fuck you out here in front of the old bitch.”

My mouth snaps shut at his command and my legs get moving even as a giggle bursts out of me. Tomi chuckles and stalks up behind me, flipping the bird at my neighbor and laughing at her gasps of horror.

I get the front door unlocked and throw my keys down onto the countertop in the kitchen. When I move to turn around Tomi grabs my hips, kicking the door shut behind himself and pulling my hips back into the heat of his body before sliding a palm down my stomach to my pussy. “Did you wear something pretty for your old man, sweetness?”

My legs start to shake.

He leans down Copyright 2016 - 2024