Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,122

a pile of shit when she finally gets up the next morning and I’m careful about tailing her.

She buys a house.

It’s a shitty little thing but she buys it in cash, signs paperwork on the front lawn leaning against the Chevy and she looks so fucking happy, I’ve never seen her grin so wide.

I’m definitely fucking lovestruck and an idiot about it.

I follow her around Coldstone as she picks out furniture and paint supplies. I call Rue to come help me because there’s no fucking way I’m going to stay back and watch her lift that shit down herself with her busted fucking ribs and when he meets me outside the grocery store on the other side of town he scowls at me.

“You told her you’re here yet?”

I shake my head. “I’m going to now. You good?”

He shrugs and scowls up at the store again. “This place is about as far away from her new place as she could possibly fucking get.”

When I get in there and see her fucking terrified of me something fucking snaps in my brain and I almost rage the fuck out in the grocery store like an asshole, right up until she says who the fuck told her I wanted her dead.

Fucking Diamond.

I’ve always known she was a scheming bitch but this? She fucking knows Angel is mine, I’ve made it fucking clear.

We get Angel back to her new place. She fumbles around with her words and shakes the whole damn time but we get everything unloaded into her house and where she wants it before I stalk back out to my hog.

Rue stays behind to watch over my girl which is good because she still looks like she’s gonna have a fucking heart attack and that only riles me up more.

I get to The Boulevard ready to commit murder. Cold-blooded murder because I’m not coming down here in a rage. Nope, I feel fucking nothing right now except the need to bleed out every jealous fucking slut in this building.

Axe and Cole are both already here for the night and at the sight of my face Cole starts cursing up a storm. Axe doesn’t utter a word, just rolls his shoulders back like he’s about to jump into a fight which is good.

I’m going to fucking gut someone.

“Asses in the locker room right the fuck now!” I roar and every single body in the room freezes.

I never raise my voice like that.

Before Angel, I was the easygoing one. I was the party lover, the one who’s always having a good time, the one who ruled fair and loose.

I’m not that man anymore.

“Holy shit, is everything okay? Tomi, what’s happened?” Mel says, already fucking naked even though the place doesn’t open for another hour.

“Put a fucking shirt on and get your ass moving, I’m not a man to mess with tonight. Where the fuck is Diamond?”

“I’m here!” she calls out with a smile, all sorts of syrupy sweetness but the shit leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Fake fucking slut.

The bouncers both walk in as well, good, and Axe gets the door shut behind them, leaning back on it and crossing his arms.

“Is there something you want to tell me, Diamond? Something you’ve done?”

She pouts at me, all fake and fucking manipulative. We’ve let her take care of shit down here too much, she’s gotten too fucking comfortable.

“You know I tell you everything, Tomi! We’ve got this place running like a well-oiled machine, even after the Demons were here. Oh, is this a debrief? I’ve already told Rue everything that happened but I’d be happy to go over it again.”

I stalk forward and Diamond is the only fucking one who doesn’t see the danger she’s in. Nah, all she sees is a patch she so desperately wants.

Everyone else is hugging the walls, trying to get the fuck away from my rage.

“How about we start with who called you and told you Angel was underage, hm? Which brother stepped the fuck outta line and told you?”

Her lips press together but I expected as much.

“How about you tell me who the fuck gave you permission to speak on the club’s behalf? Rumor has it you told Angel I wanted her dead. Now, I’d think really fucking carefully about how you answer this one because I’m here for blood.”

Her jaw drops and she dares to look fucking shocked. “For blood? Tomi, she lied to the club! She could’ve had all our asses thrown into fucking prison!”

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