Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,120

at the pressure of his clenched fists. “Diamond told you I wanted you dead? That’s what’s happening here?”

I glance up at the security cameras. “Yeah. This probably isn’t the best place for it though.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket and, God, I forgot that I even had it still. It’s his phone, on his plan, and I ran away with it. I pull it out with a shaking hand and hold it out to him.

His eyes drop down to it and the glare gets even worse. “Put it away, Angel. You’re keeping it.”

He just stands there and stares at me until finally my arm drops and I slide the phone back into my pocket. “It’s late. I have classes in the morning. Poe knows where to find me if you need to kill me.”

I walk over to the cashier quickly, ringing my order up and paying for my food. I put the cart away but before I can grab the bags Tomi stalks over and grabs them off of me. I try not to shake so goddamn hard that my knees give out.

“Angel, listen to me. I’m getting you out to your car, then I’m following you home. I’ll get your shit unloaded and then I’m going to go sort this fucking problem out. No one is killing you. No one is fucking touching you, just get out to your truck so I can get you home safe.”

Chapter Thirty


I have every trace of Angel wiped from the The Boulevard records in under an hour.

Thorn disappears the second he’s finished giving his little debrief and I try not to focus on the weight of everyone’s eyes on me. The chapel is loud the entire time I work, Rue talking through the entire fucking mess of the Demons rolling into Coldstone. Eventually they open the doors and let the rest of the brothers in to tell their side of this fucking mess.

I don’t fucking react to any of it until Axe takes his turn.

“They were there for Poe. Angel took her place, pretended so they’d take her instead. She heard Poe’s name and just fucking threw herself into the fucking fire.”

My eyes snap up away from my laptop.

I didn’t know that’s how it went down. Fuck, more shit is leading to Poe and if there’s a war starting she’s gonna be in the fucking middle of it.

I glance at Rue but his face is locked down hard. No one but me and Speck would even guess he’s probably raging inside his head right now.

Diesel grunts. “Doesn’t fucking matter. She lied to the club, lied about her age and coulda been the reason for another brother to be locked up.”

Speck groans and Hellion shoots him a look. He’s not even supposed to be in here, but extenuating circumstances and all that shit.

None of that shit matters to me.

“Diesel, lemme tell you this before you talk your way into a fucking bullet. I don’t give a fuck about her lying about her age. Question her again and you’ll lose more than your fucking patch.”

Hawk shifts to stare at me like he’s never seen me before but King nods at me like he approves so I guess I have the president's seal of approval. Not that I need it, I’d fucking gut Diesel whether they like it or not.

I’m more of an ask for forgiveness kind of guy.

Diesel opens his mouth and Axe cuts him off. “She’s a good fucking woman. I don’t know exactly what her deal is but, fuck, she’s done nothing but strip. I get she lied about her age but she keeps her mouth shut, her head down, and the second trouble came knocking she manned the fuck up and protected her family. That’s what Poe has become to her and this club swore an oath to protect that kid for Alby. Simple as that, shut your fucking mouth before running it gets you dead.”

The topic moves the hell away from my girl after that, thank fuck, because I’m struggling to keep my cool. I’m fucking angry about the whole thing but… I’m not angry at her.

I’m angry at whatever the fuck happened to her that had her living on the fucking streets. I need that file that Thorn handed over to King and I need it the fuck now. I might be heading out to kill some cunt tonight before I can sleep.

The meeting goes on and on for another hour before King finally sends everyone away.

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