Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,111

not because of who she is but because of whose blood she shares?"

Blaise cackles and Lips shrugs with a grin. "I dunno. I've taught her a lot about how to kill people. Nate also showed her how to skin a man alive last summer so she's not exactly helpless."

Holy Jesus.

Okay, Rue has definitely underestimated her. So has his entire family, fuck. I'm vaguely scared of her now.

Actually, you know what?

Fuck that.

I’m fucking terrified of her.

Lips scoffs and leans back in the seat. “Just go to sleep, Angel. We'll get you home safe. That’s what family does.”

Chapter Twenty Eight


We ride back to Coldstone as fast as we can fucking manage.

We still have to stop over in a roadside hotel for a night but it’s only really a five-hour stop. I can’t fucking shake the need to get home. I’ve kept in touch with Angel the entire time we’ve been away and she might be fine but that doesn’t stop the need to get home to her from clawing at my gut.

Rue gives me a running commentary of her days and she keeps to every last one of my rules while we’re gone.


Maybe she is fucking perfect for me. At the very least she’s trying and if that doesn’t make me wanna step the fuck up, nothing will.

We get back to the clubhouse just before dawn, the parking lot overflowing with hogs and all fucking types of rigs.

Rue’s bike is there.

Angel’s truck is too, thank fuck, and my plan is to bypass the entire party and just fucking eat her the hell up for the night. Fuck her so long and hard that she can feel me for days and know that she’s marked as mine. My mouth waters a little at the thought of her in those tiny scraps of black lace she’s been teasing me with.

Fucking perfection.

The high of thinking about being in her lasts for as long as it takes me to swing off of my hog, the truck Hellion is parking catching and keeping my attention.

The fucking rats lost us another shipment and almost our fucking lives.

I could set fire to this fucking building with the heat of the rage in my blood.

“Get that look off of your fucking face before it gets you and the rest of this club dead. We can’t do a fucking thing until we know who the rat is,” Hawk says, his voice pitched low so no one hears us.

I jerk my head in a half-nod and then I say the words that have been choking me for weeks. “They’re further up than we thought. That mess we were just in proves it.”

He grunts under his breath, just as fucking pissed off about it as I am especially since we can’t just fucking deal with it. I hate the mind games, the fucking lies and deception, and knowing that your brothers are supposed to have your back and instead they’re twisting a knife there instead?

Fucking guts me.

King shoots us both a look and jerks his head to get us all moving, get us back into the clubhouse that should be our solace and yet we’ll all be walking on fucking eggshells, watching our mouths and doing everything we can to not say something that might get our family and brothers killed.

The bar is full of Unseen from both Coldstone and the Shreveport charter but way too quiet. Damn near fucking silence in the room. My blood turns to ice in my veins.

What the fuck has happened now?

Rue comes walking up, thank fuck, and I’m relieved to see that he’s fine until I get an eyeful of his face.


“What the fuck happened?”

He holds out a hand like he’s trying to approach a fucking bear and not get his face ripped the hell off. “Demons came into town… they took her, been gone almost three hours.”

“Three hours? Three fucking hours?! And what exactly have you fucking assholes been doing while she’s been gone?”

Rue doesn’t flinch but half the men around him start shifting on their feet, uneasy with being so close to my rage.


I’m about to start fucking shooting.

“They took over The Boulevard, more than fucking forty of them at once. I didn’t even know she was gone until we got it back. Twenty-five of ‘em made it out alive, ten are dead, and five are trussed up in the back waiting to get their teeth ripped out for information. Brother, we will get her back. I fucking swear to you, I won’t sleep until Copyright 2016 - 2024