Angel Unseen (Unseen MC #1) - J. Bree Page 0,106

only dropping away from me when I unzip the hoodie. “Well, look at you! Doing that hustle to pay your own shit, girlie, Tomi’s gonna nut himself in joy over that news. Plus the rest of us might actually fucking live to tell this tale. He’s been a fucking nightmare about you, I hope you know that.”

Oh God.

I mean, I already know he has been. Law showed me the messages and Rue made it clear but… I guess all of the bikers know about it.

It’s so fucking embarrassing.

“Yup. This is it and then I’m done so… wish me luck, I guess?”

Axe grins and waves me off, taking the hoodie from me and staying backstage as I go out there and finish my career as a fucking stripper. It’s hard to keep the smile off of my face, men want sultry and seductive not a grinning psycho, but I work that pole like my life depends on it one last time.

When the song ends I grab my cash and walk out the back, slipping the heels back off and tossing them in the trash. Axe laughs at me and hands over the hoodie again.

I’m laughing and trying to stuff the cash into the pockets when the sound of gunfire breaks, so loud it completely drowns out the music playing over the speakers.

Axe grabs my arm and drags me down the hall, intent on getting me into the office and I thank my lucky fucking stars I’ve got the heels off already.

When we get to the open doorway to the bar we find the entire front of the building flooded with bikers, all of them armed and screaming at the girls and patrons, fights breaking out everywhere, some bodies already bleeding on the ground.

“Angel, get your ass into the office. Go, right now before they see you and stay there until I come get you,” Axe says, his gun already in his hand.

I nod and start to move but then the back door bursts open and we’re fucking trapped.

Axe instantly shifts to stand in front of me.

Just blocks me completely, no way any of the guys can see me let alone shoot me and I’m so fucking terrified that I could burst into grateful tears right now. He moves to discreetly hand me the gun, pressing it into my belly until I grab it.

My dad taught me to shoot but it’s been nearly ten years since I last held a gun.

The lights cut on and there are bikers everywhere. All of them have cuts on, the Chaos Demons scrawled across their shoulders proudly.

My stomach drops.

There’s shouting and gunshots and I try not to panic but when I see Law and Lyn both get shoved into the bar my heart starts to race. There’s a small gap in the crowd and I can just make them out.

Poe is jammed in between them with her head down.

She’s not shaking, no crying or screaming like the other girls are all doing, she’s just keeping her face covered.

Our conversation comes back to me.

Her dad is the Prez of this club.


Axe pushes me back into the wall when more of the guys come around.

They start pulling the Unseen around, getting the men who are wearing their cuts into the middle of the bar and securing them. Every last one of them fights back but they’re outnumbered, five-to-one.

Axe is dressed in black, his cut still hanging in the office by some stroke of luck. He looks like a security guy, some hired muscle who will just take their shit without needing to bleed for the patch.

“Find the girl.”

My eyes snap across the room and meet Law’s.

It’s Poe.

They’re here for her.

My eyes drop back down but Poe already has her phone out, the screen lit up from where I can see it so she’s got Rue on the line already. We just need to stay alive and safe until he gets here.

Then the Demons start hurting the girls.

I can’t stand listening to it and neither can Poe, I see her hands begin to shake and I know exactly what’s going through her head.

They’re going through the girls to find her.

They’re being hurt for her.

I know it’s not her fault, I know it, but I also know how heavy that shit will weigh on her because my skin is crawling at the sounds of the other women being thrown around.

When the group of guys comes to grab Axe he throws a few good punches but the club is now teeming Copyright 2016 - 2024