The Ambassador's Mission: Book One of th - By Trudi Canavan Page 0,47

of black magicians. All so much more powerful than me …

This must be what it felt like to be a trader or diplomat who dealt with magicians in the Allied Lands, always aware how helpless they’d be in the face of magic, but relying on diplomacy and the threat of retaliation from their homeland to keep them safe from harm. Dannyl thought of the blood ring Administrator Osen had given him, made by Black Magician Kallen out of Osen’s blood so that Dannyl could contact him. For monthly reports, otherwise only to be used in emergencies. As if he could stop a black magician killing me from all the way—

Suddenly the wall of rock beside him was gone, and in its place was a great, pale expanse. Lorkin made a wordless exclamation, changed to the seat opposite Dannyl and moved close to the window to look out.

“So that’s the wasteland,” he breathed.

A treeless slope fell steeply from the edge of the road down to rocky, eroded hills below. Lapping around them like a frozen sea was a desert, dunes rippling across the land. The air was dry, Dannyl noticed suddenly, and tasted of dust.

“I guess it is,” he replied.

“It’s … bigger than I thought,” Lorkin said.

“We are taught that it was meant to be a barrier,” Dannyl said. “But the older records only comment that it might act as one. That suggests the wasteland wasn’t entirely deliberate. At least, not what the Guild had planned.”

“So nobody knows for sure why it was created, let alone how?”

“There are some records that state that those who made it intended to weaken Sachaka by ruining its most productive land. I’ve found letters in which magicians support the idea, and others who thought it an appalling idea. But the letters have the tone of people reacting to rumour and gossip, not an official decision.”

Lorkin grimaced. “It wouldn’t be the first time in history someone acted independently of the Guild.”

“No.” Dannyl wondered if Lorkin was referring to his parents. His tone had been wry.

They sat and stared at the wasteland for several minutes without speaking. Then Lorkin shook his head and sighed.

“The land has never recovered. Not after seven hundred years. Has anyone tried to restore it?”

Dannyl shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Maybe it’s a good thing nobody knows how it was done. If we ever face a proper war – rather than a bunch of outcasts – we’d be in some serious trouble.”

Looking out over the ruined land, Dannyl had to agree. “From all accounts, the Sachakans were furious at the devastation. If they’d known how to strike back, they would have. I don’t think they know any more than we do.”

Lorkin nodded. “It’s probably better that way.” He frowned and looked at Dannyl. “But if we do find anything …”

“We will have to keep it a secret. At least until we can pass on the information to the High Lord Balkan. It would be even more dangerous than the knowledge of black magic.”



Like many low-born novices from the poorer parts of the city, Norrin was of small stature. But he looked even smaller walking between the two Warriors escorting him into the Guildhall. Sonea felt her heart twist in sympathy as he glanced up at the rows of magicians staring down at him on either side, turned white, then set his gaze on the floor.

It is cruel to drag him before the entire Guild, she thought. A Hearing before the Higher Magicians would have been intimidating and humiliating enough. But someone wanted to make an example of him.

By Guild rules, any novice who failed to attend the University or reside in the Grounds without permission to live elsewhere was considered a potential rogue, and must be brought before the assembled Guild to explain themselves, even if only the Higher Magicians were to judge their actions and decide on a punishment.

If he hadn’t been found right before a Meet day, he might have been spared this. But it is much easier to tack a Hearing onto the end of a Meet than arrange a separate one. I suspect if Osen had been faced with getting the whole Guild together just for this Hearing, he’d have bent the rules and kept it to the Higher Magicians.

The escorts stopped at the front, Norrin halting beside them and bowing to the Higher Magicians. Administrator Osen glanced back at the Higher Magicians – at Sonea. For a second their gazes locked, then he looked away.

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