The Ambassador's Mission: Book One of th - By Trudi Canavan Page 0,162

gemstones! He tried to make out their shape as he passed, but they were too bright to look at directly. They left spots floating before his vision, so he forced himself to avert his eyes.

The corridor was not long, and Savara and Kalia led him through a wide doorway into a large room. A curved stone table had been set at one end. Four women sat along the length of it, with two empty seats waiting. At the far end of the table sat a grey-haired woman, who had the same tired look about her that Osen always seemed to have.

She’s the Traitors’ version of the Administrator, I’d wager.

At the closer end was another chair, larger and studded with gemstones, and empty. The rest of the room was a large wedge shape, fanning out from the table. The floor had been carved into steps, on which cushions had been neatly spaced. For an audience, though there’s nobody here today.

Savara directed him to stand before the table, then she and Kalia took their seats.

“Welcome, Lorkin of the Magicians’ Guild of Kyralia,” the tired woman said. “I am Riaya, Director of the Table. These are Yvali, Shaiya, Kalia, Lanna, Halana and Savara, Speakers for the Traitors.”

“Thank you for allowing me into your city,” he replied, bending in a slight bow that he directed at them all.

“I understand you have come to Sanctuary willingly,” Riaya said.



“Foremost, to speak in defence of Tyvara at her trial.”

“And why else?”

He paused to consider how to begin. “I understand that my father made a promise to your people that he should not have. If I can, I would like to settle that matter.”

The speakers exchanged glances. Some looked sceptical, others hopeful.

“Is that your only other reason?”

Lorkin shook his head. “Though I was only an assistant to the Guild Ambassador to Sachaka, I know that part of the role – part of the reason for having Ambassadors in the first place – is to seek and maintain peaceful links with other peoples. The Traitors are a part of Sachaka, so if we do not seek links with them we are neglecting an important section of the country. Even the little I know about the Traitors tells me that your values are more compatible with those of the Allied Lands. You reject slavery, for instance.” He took a deep breath. “If there is a chance that a beneficial link might be established between us I feel obliged to explore the possibility.”

“What possible benefit would there be for us in such an alliance?” Kalia asked, her tone full of disbelief.

Lorkin smiled. “Trade.”

Kalia gave a sharp, humourless laugh. “We’ve already sought honest trade with your kind, and regretted it.”

“You refer, of course, to my father,” he said. “I was told that Traitors agreed to teach him black magic in exchange for Healing magic? Is that correct?”

The seven women frowned.

“Black magic?” Riaya repeated.

“Higher magic,” Lorkin explained.

“Then that is true,” Riaya said.

Lorkin shook his head. “Only the Higher Magicians of the Guild, with permission from the leaders of the Allied Lands, could have made that decision. It was not my father’s right to offer you such knowledge.”

The women began to exclaim and speak all at once and, though Lorkin could not make out what all of them said, the general opinion was clear. They were angry, yet also puzzled.

“Why would he make the promise? Did he intend to break his word?”

“It’s obvious why he did what he did,” Lorkin said. “He was—”

But Kalia and the woman beside her were still talking, agreeing with each other – from the bits he caught – on how Kyralians weren’t to be trusted.

“Let him speak,” Riaya said, her voice cutting across theirs. The two women quietened. Kalia crossed her arms and looked at him with haughty expectation.

“My father was desperate,” Lorkin reminded them. “He had been a slave for many years. He knew his country was in danger. He probably felt his personal honour did not matter in the face of his country’s safety. And after years of … being a slave, how much dignity would you have left?”

He stopped as he realised he was allowing too much emotion to enter his words. “I have a question for you,” he said.

“You don’t get to ask us questions,” Kalia sneered. “You must wait until—”

“I would like to hear this question,” Savara interrupted. “Would anyone else?”

The rest of the women paused, then nodded.

“Go on, Lorkin,” Riaya urged.

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