The Ambassador's Mission: Book One of th - By Trudi Canavan Page 0,137



“What is your connection to him, then?”

Talie looked at Osen and bit her lip. “He has done work and favours for my family, though it was years ago before anyone knew he was involved in anything illegal.”

“Could you take someone back to the place these goods were stored?”

“No. He made sure the carriage windows were covered. When we arrived the carriage was inside a big room. And even if I did know where it was, I doubt the goods are still there.”

Sonea smiled at that. The young Healer was probably right. But by saying so, she had suggested she knew more about smuggling than a magician from a House ought to.

No more questions came, so Osen sent Lord Jawen and Lady Talie out of the hall. When they were gone, Lord Telano sighed.

“This is ridiculous,” he said. “She only did what any Healer ought to do. She shouldn’t be punished for that.”

“She wasn’t paid,” Garrel added. “She didn’t benefit from it. I see no wrongdoing here.”

“The rule forbids involvement in criminal activity as well as benefiting from it,” Vinara pointed out. “But I agree. Moving a box is hardly involvement in crime.”

“Still, we ought to be discouraging magicians from having anything to do with such people,” Lord Peakin said.

“Which, as we established recently, is too difficult to enforce and apparently unfair to some Guild members,” Garrel reminded him.

“Has she clearly broken a rule?” Osen asked.

None of the magicians answered. Several shook their heads.

“Does anybody believe she should be punished?”

The question received the same response. Osen nodded. “Then, unless anybody disagrees with me, I will declare she has broken no rule. I will also let it be known that Lord Jawen acted correctly in reporting what he heard, and state that tests of the new rule are beneficial and to be encouraged. We don’t want anyone taking today’s decision as an indicator that doing favours for dubious characters will always be overlooked.”

“Do you think Lady Talie would agree to identify this man and confirm his activities for the Guard?” Rothen asked, looking back at Lady Vinara.

“I imagine she would be reluctant,” Vinara replied. “If he had enough influence to force her to this store, then he may have enough to prevent her speaking against him. I will ask her, but only if the Guard does require her help.”

“If she agrees and a conviction is achieved, it will discourage criminals from taking advantage of magicians,” Osen said. He called the young Healer back in and told her their decision. She looked relieved.

And perhaps a little annoyed to have been put through this, Sonea observed. Osen announced the meeting over and the Higher Magicians began to leave. As she reached the floor of the hall, she found Rothen waiting for her.

“What do you think?” he murmured to her.

“I think the new rule is going to be ineffective at keeping magicians and criminals apart,” she replied.

“But in the past someone of her status would never have been reported, not even if what she’d done was clearly wrong.”

“No, but there is nothing to stop that sort of bias returning as magicians realise the limitations of the new rule. I won’t be convinced it’s an improvement unless the degree of harassment of lower-class-origin magicians lessens.”

“Do you think she would have helped the injured man if there was no incentive to please the man who asked her to?”

Sonea considered the question. “Yes, though not without some disdain.”

He chuckled. “Well, that’s an improvement on the past anyway. Thanks to your hospices, it’s no longer thought of as acceptable to deny Healing because the patient can’t afford it.”

She looked at him, surprised. “Things have changed that much? But surely Vinara hasn’t stopped charging patients who come to the Healers’ Quarters.”

“No.” He smiled. “It’s more of an attitude change. It’s not, well, healerly to ignore anyone you stumble upon who is in great need. That is, if they are injured or dying – not if they’ve got a hangover or the winter cough. It is as if the ideal for a Healer to aspire to is now someone who has Vinara’s cleverness and your compassion.”

She stared at him in disbelief and dismay.

He laughed. “I’d love to come to the end of my life knowing I’d made a change for the good, but despite all my work I don’t think I will. But now I see how uncomfortable it makes you, I wonder if I should be grateful for that.”

“You have made a difference, Rothen,” she protested. “I’d have never become Copyright 2016 - 2024