Amaranth - By Rachael Wade Page 0,54

collected my thoughts. “Well then. Tell me the plan, if that’s what you brought me here to do. Because I really don’t understand why Gavin would show me all of this. I mean, what was the point? If he knew we couldn’t be together.…”

Joel readjusted himself in his seat before he put on his seatbelt. “He took you to the bayou because he meant what he said to you. He wants you to move on, wanted you to be there when he went to Amaranth so you could have closure, so you could move on. He felt the only way to do that was to show you the truth, show you where he was going and what he really was.”

He started the car, waited for me to put my seatbelt on. “Bottom line is, I didn’t bring you here just to explain things to you. I brought you so you could make a decision.”

I snapped my belt into place, wondered where he was taking me next. “What decision?”

“Whether you’re going to let go of him or not.” He set the gear to drive, kept his foot on the brake. “Because I really believe whatever you have with him is worth fighting for, and I owe it to him to try and make sure he doesn’t lose the one thing he loves in this world.”

I looked at him, absorbed his sincerity. “Love isn’t enough, Joel.”

“It’s always enough.”

“Not under these circumstances.”

“Especially under these circumstances. Where’s the victory without opposition?” Hitting the gas, he sped off and led us into the night.



“I don’t know what I’m going to do about work or fall classes when I go home,” I said to Joel while I rummaged through ancient editions of books on his shelves. Built into the walls of his small flat, the white shelves housed almost every classic title imaginable, all organized by author name. This man took his literature seriously. My respect for his passion had ignited a slew of conversations about our favorite reads while we lounged on his worn plaid couch, sipping coffee. How I talked him into drinking some, I’ll never know. For some reason, he was open to cooperating with me. Maybe it had something to do with flying me—literally—to London against my will and holding me captive. Yeah, that was probably it.

I watched him sip the coffee slowly, wondered what it tasted like for a vampire. “I just hope my boss doesn’t drill me for every single detail, you know? I don’t have the mental energy for that right now.”

“Then don’t give it to her, she’ll live. I’m sure she can satisfy her need for some salacious gossip with some of those tabloid magazines from your store.” He laughed, tossed a copy of East of Eden onto the coffee table. “It’ll be okay. I think it’ll be good for you to get back and get your mind on other things. I’ll be around, waiting in the wings, just in case.”

“I appreciate it, but I really don’t think Andrew will try that again.”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“What is it with you monsters and your reading materials? I’ve never met anyone who reads as much as you and Gavin do. Where have you been all of my life?” As I changed the subject, batted my eyelashes. Relieved I was able to laugh after the night we’d had, I decided I didn’t want to talk about going back to normalcy just yet.

“When you live forever, life becomes a tad daunting,” he retorted, laughing, set his coffee down. “Reading helps pass the time, not to mention keeps us up with the times. It’s interesting to see how society’s changed over the centuries.”

“I’d love nothing more than to read all day, every day.”

“Maybe you should try walking in our shoes for a bit.”

“Maybe. That way I’d have the time.” I smiled, reflected on my workdays, wishing I had more time to dig my nose in the many books I worked around. “Maybe I was meant to be one of you after all.”

“Don’t joke.”

“Who’s joking?”

“No one chooses this life, Camille. Don’t even talk about it casually, there’s nothing casual about it.”

“Seriously. Have any of you ever … I mean, has Gavin mentioned it to you?”

“Changing you?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, sat up on the couch.

He tensed up a bit, looking uncomfortable. “I don’t think I’m the one to—”

“Yes you are. Tell me.”

“I changed someone. A long time ago. I thought she was the love of my life.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Live and learn, I suppose. Anyway, Copyright 2016 - 2024