Amara (Reapers MC #12) - Elizabeth Knox Page 0,16

than I thought.

“It’s none of your fucking business, Dante.” He reiterates.

“I could say the same. Now, I’ll let you do what you like as long as you leave me and my endeavors alone as well. Do we have an agreement?”

Eduardo rolls his eyes. I backed him into a corner, and he knows it. “Fine. But if you hurt her, I’ll beat you within an inch of your life, and that’s a promise. Even if you are mi familia . . . I don’t give a fuck.”

I’m unable to hold back my smirk. “Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

The door to the bedroom opens and the doctor walks out into the living area, with Amara by her side. “Well?” Eduardo asks, looking at the both of them.

“Perfectly healthy. But, she could go into labor any day now. Be prepared for that, will you?”

“I don’t think anyone is ever prepared for it.” I mutter under my breath.

Amara must hear what I’ve said, because she fights to hold back her smile.

“We’ll do our best. I think we should get on the road. We have a few more hours ahead of us until we’re in Mexico City. At that point we can get you settled.”

“What’s in Mexico City?” Amara questions.

“My father’s estate. It’s massive, and very well defended.” I answer her.

“We’re going to your father’s house?” She questions, and I can only imagine what’s running through her mind. She’s the kin of our last enemy. She must be fearful my father wants to meet her to harm her in some way, but I will do my best to calm her worries.

“Yes. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He only wants to ensure you’re alright and in the best care.” I say.

Amara breathes heavily, “How do you expect me to believe that? You know who my uncle was . . . what he did to the country, to the people . . .”

“You aren’t Rafael, my dear.” Eduardo says.

I’m a bit annoyed he called her his dear, but I know he’s only trying to ease her mind. It’s not like she needs to be worrying right now. The doc did just say she could go into labor very soon. I don’t know much about childbirth, but I’m pretty sure stress has something to do with it.

“We should really get going. The last thing we want is a baby delivered in the car with a group of men who know nothing about delivering them.” I joke, getting a laugh from Amara.

“That would be a nightmare.” She continues to laugh and starts to walk in my direction.

As she approaches me, I take this moment for what it is— an opportunity. “I don’t believe we had a formal introduction. I’m Dante Sebastián Lopez.” I state, extending my hand.

She scrunches up her nose and cocks a brow. “You already know who the hell I am . . . so, stop being all weird and shit. Eduardo, are we ready?” She walks past me and when Eduardo passes me, he snickers as a way to rub in how I just failed at that attempt.

Chapter Nine

All she wanted was for someone to look at her and see the person she hid so well

~ Unknown


He said I’d be safe here, and yet the only thing I’m feeling is turmoil. We entered his father’s estate about an hour ago, through the cast iron gate and what had to be a fifteen-foot burnt orange wall. The same color is on the outside of the house while the trim is white, brightening it up a bit.

We parked the SUV in one of the three garage bays. However, their garage isn’t like any I’ve seen before. It’s built into this giant wall of stone. The doors must be thirty feet apart, and instead of rolling up like a normal garage door does, these open in the middle like a set of French doors. The only difference is how they’re in a circle. We walked up a stone path, passing a cross statue and entered through the front door.

I remember the way my eyes darted as we walked and ventured into the home. Why? Because I thought this was my uncle’s home. Dante quickly put that thought to rest, though. It’s almost as if he could read my mind. His father purchased this when he became leader of the Cartel.

We’re sitting in a massive living room. The walls are an egg custard color. An earth-toned fireplace is to my left between the two couches and Copyright 2016 - 2024