Always Wrong - Xyla Turner Page 0,13

have time for ourselves? What are those expectations? Will you bring women to our home? Should I bring men to our home? Will we have a life of sneaking around? What kind of shit is that? I wouldn’t want to bring men around because of the kid, but that would be the same reason that I wouldn’t want you to bring random women around. I just…well, that’s the part of this arrangement that seems fuzzy to me.”

Jacquez nodded, as if he’d expected this. He was one arrogant motherfucker if I had ever met one.

“Sheryl, I understand the angst around this, but I grew up without my father in my life, and I don’t want that for our child. What I am proposing is that we live together for the sake of the child. If we need to get off or want to fuck, then we do that discreetly. Just as we do now, am I right?”

He looked around my condominium as if to say that he knew I didn’t have men up in here. He would be right.

“We will set boundaries, Sheryl. We’re adults, businesspeople, skilled at negotiations. I am sure we can handle this,” he added.

On the surface I could agree with his assessment, but there was a nagging feeling that said this was much more than was being presented. The truth was that this is where I’d pull out of the deal. When I had that feeling I had nothing to lose, I would pull out. It had served me well to just walk away. However, in this case, why I thought I would have something to lose was dumb. On one level, I probably needed to talk to a professional, but I wanted what he was proposing. He wasn’t just offering himself as a person to live with, but to be a partner. It was a partner for a child, but a family too. I wanted that. It was bad enough to admit to myself that I wanted what he was offering. It wouldn’t have been something I would have thought to even suggest, but once it was presented, I thought, yes. Just like the baby. I was forty-one, and time was clicking away. Faster than I appreciated.

“Okay, Jacquez,” I agreed. “However, if things go left, then we sit back at the table and handle it like adults. We do not fuck up this child’s life because of our bullshit.”

“Agreed.” He stood up and came around to sit on the same sofa as me. “That won’t be a problem.”

Turning to look at him, I asked, “You weren’t comfortable over there?”

“No.” He eyed me with a barely tamed hunger in his expression. “I feel like we’re negotiating a contract, and you said you didn’t want that. So with my partners, we talk like this.”

“On the same couch?” I waved my hand at him as he leaned back with his left leg bent under him as he lounged on the couch so he could face me.

He looked calm and collected, but his energy was vibrating on the furniture, and I could feel it in my soul.

“Fine,” I continued. “I have my ovulation schedule, as I promised, and met with my doctor, whose information I will give you, and I’m waiting on your information to give to my assistant.”

“Good girl.” He complimented me, and there went my panties.

He unnerved me, which made me kind of afraid of him. Would I lose myself in this man? I didn’t want that shit at all.

“So we’re in agreement. Send over the doctor’s information and ovulation periods, and I’ll get my secretary to schedule my visits around that. Are you planning to be in London anytime soon?”

Picking up my phone, I began to thumb through it, knowing damn well that I had nothing scheduled immediately.

“No.” I flipped through the calendar. “Do you need me to be there?”

“Yes,” he replied with those eyes on me. “We need to look at houses there as well. To get your dual citizenship and honestly business opportunities. Especially before you get on the no-fly zone due to being pregnant.”

Now that got my attention.

“Opportunities?” I inquired of the man.

“Business opportunities.” It was his turn to open up his phone. “There are several companies in London that would be great partners for you. I had them researched and just sent them to you. I have no guarantees, but it’s worth looking into.”

Twisting my head, I pursed my lips and murmured, “Thank you.”

Well, shit. Business always gets me excited, and here the Copyright 2016 - 2024