Always the Last to Know by Kristan Higgins Page 0,136

care. That’s the long and short of it. Our insurance will cover an aide for when I’m at work, and we’ll figure the rest out as we go along.”

“I think we should look into a nursing home,” Juliet said.

“No! Absolutely not!” I said.

“Mom does eighty-five percent of the work, Sadie. She’s seventy years old.”

“I’m not exactly dead yet,” Mom said.

“You’re getting worn out, Mom.”

“I just sent you two to a spa for a rest!” I said, knowing it was ridiculous.

“Two nights isn’t going to be enough, unless it’s two nights a week, Sadie,” Jules said. She looked at our mother. “I’m worried about you. Insurance would cover—”

“Would cover a shithole, Juliet!”

“Keep your voice down,” she said. “Oliver and I can help.”

“Juliet, you’re starting your own firm, honey. You keep your money. Sadie’s right. This is my responsibility, and with a little help from the visiting nurses and such, your father and I will be okay.”

I glared at my sister. She’d put Dad in a kennel if I let her.

“What?” she snapped. “I don’t see you making plans to stay here permanently. You want Dad cared for, maybe you have to do more than come over and paint and let your dog watch TV with him.”

“That’s not fair. I’ve done everything I can for him. God forbid you interrupt your perfect life—”

“That’s enough, girls,” Caro and Mom said in unison, then smiled at each other. I pressed my lips together and tried not to cry.

“The truth is, you’re both right,” Mom said. “I can’t see putting him into a nursing home when all he needs is . . . well, a keeper. And yes, I’m tired. It hasn’t been easy.”

“In sickness and in health,” I said.

“Exactly,” Mom said.

“Fuck you, Sadie,” Juliet said.

“Wow! Angry much, Jules? You know he’d take care of her if the situation were reversed.”

“You’re an idiot. And you don’t know the half of it.”

“Well, this has been wonderful,” Mom said. “Now, both of you get home. You’re upsetting me.”

“I’m sorry, Mom,” Jules said. “But if she knew . . .”

“If I knew what?”

“How hard it is for our mother,” Jules ground out. “Getting him in and out of bed, showered, shaved, dressed, making sure there’s enough food in the house, paying the bills, working more than a full-time job, checking in on him on her lunch hour or on the app—”

“Mom,” I interrupted. “I know how devoted you are. And I admire you for it. I really do.”

“Well, thanks, now, hon. It’s still time for you both to get on home. Sadie, your dog is curled up with your dad, why don’t you just leave her here tonight? Juliet, honey, I’ll see you for lunch tomorrow. Caro, want to stay for a glass of wine?”

My sister and I were dismissed. We went outside, giving each other plenty of space.

“How’s my car, by the way?” she asked.

“Oh, Jesus. It’s fine. Thank you for being so benevolent and generous, thou perfect human.”

“Good. You can keep it as long as you’re here. And if you wanted to move back forever and be Dad’s caregiver twenty-four seven, I’d give it to you.”

“Okay, I’m leaving now.”

“As you do.”

I sucked in a sharp breath. “Juliet, what do you expect me to say? I have a job and an apartment in the city. I have a second career as a painter, as much as you like to laugh at it. I know you’re used to being the important one in the family, but that doesn’t mean I can magically become a nurse and leave the life I built in the city. Dad and Mom are married. This is part of the territory. Would you want Oliver to stick you in a nursing home?”

“Yes! If it made his life better, you’re damn right I would.”

“And would you stick him in one?”

Ha. I had her there. She looked away, conceding defeat, and I got into the car and backed out of the driveway, heading for Noah’s.

Those doctors were wrong. Dad was clearly getting better. They didn’t spend as much time with him as I did. I mean, seriously. When was the last time they’d even seen him?

I was crying, and crying while driving was not safe. I pulled over and let myself bawl a little. Two more strokes? When? Yes, he’d been a little . . . wandery lately, listing off to the left, but . . . but . . . the idea that I’d never have the old Dad back was intolerable.

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