Always Crew - Tijan Page 0,103

Wait. Why did he do that?

Channing: Because you stabbed Dad?

Bren: Yes. I found Dad at Twister Sister and yelled at him, told him to get out of my life.

Channing: Holy fuck…

Channing: I’m going to ignore that you never called to check in with me because I think you’re my new hero, Bren. My sister, my idol.

Bren: Shut up.

Channing: You’re Moose and Linc’s idol, too. Congo’s in a mood, so you’re not his.

Bren: I can die happy.

Channing: Don’t talk like that. Ever.

Bren: It’s a phrase. I don’t mean it.

Channing: Still never say it.

Bren: When are you coming back for a regular visit? No dad drama.

Channing: I’m not sure. Maybe sooner than I thought, but I don’t know what’s happening, just that something is happening. My guys on the streets are not talking. Everyone is bunkering down and even all the way over here in Roussou, that’s not a good sign.

Bren: How do you know it has to do with Dad’s MC?

Channing: Because they’re the only name being talked about lately. Just stick with your crew and college stuff. You should be fine then.

Bren: Will do. Love you.

Channing: Love you. BE SAFE! And if you have to stab Dad again, I want to be there.

Jordan: At Roussou. At Sunday’s. Did not take much convincing. Zellman is coming back.

Bren: Good. You have time to talk to Tab?

Jordan: Yeah. I’ll fill you in later, tho. That’s more complicated.

Bren: Okay.

Bren: Got a call from Drake this morning. There’s something Cross and I need to fill you and Zellman in on later.

Jordan: Something bad?

Bren: Could be. We don’t know.

Jordan: Crew meeting?

Bren: Crew meeting.

Jordan: I’ll tell Zellman. He’s drooling, said he’s been bored changing diapers, being sleep-deprived and not getting ass.

Bren: I didn’t need to know the last part.

Jordan: Neither did I. You’re welcome.

Zellman: What’s happening? I can’t handle the suspense.

Bren: Crew meeting when you get back.

Zellman: We’re coming back tonight then.

Message to Wolf Crew:


Jordan: Dude. Not necessary. I’m right next to you.

Cross: In class. I’m bored. What’s going on?

Bren: I told them we have something to fill them in on later.


Zellman: I need to get laid. I have not gotten laid the entire time out here. Sunday and I are very firmly never getting back together. Ever. I need sex. My hand hurts.

Bren: We don’t need to know that.

Jordan: Dude.

Cross: Still bored. Text more, Z. What lotion do you use?

Jordan left the group

Bren: You’re just asking to annoy J and me. You’re not even planning on reading his response.

Cross: It’s like you bone me. I mean ‘know’ me.

Bren left the group.

Unknown number: This is your father. Stay away from Twister Sister and your job.

Unknown number: I love you.

Bonbon: I programmed my number in your phone.

Bonbon: If you need backup doing whatever you’re doing, call me. I know a guy that can get a van, the VIN numbers scratched out and dummy license plates. No questions asked. He’ll just charge twenty bucks to clean it out afterwards.

Bonbon: Offer’s always there.

Bonbon: You should change your passcode.

Bren: Hey.

Taz: Nope. I’m enjoying the emails.

Taz: Miss you! Stay safe. Hug my brother for me.

Taz: The one you sleep with, not the other one.

Taz: Just clarifying.

Taz: Going back to emails now.


Aspen calling.

I was still frowning about my dad’s text when I answered. “Hey.”

“Bren! Hi!”

I eased back. Aspen’s voice hitched at the end, squeaking. She was nervous.

“What’s up?”

“Um. So.” She let out a breath. “I know Blaise asked you to kinda watch over me tomorrow night, but I’m actually calling about something else.”


She was silent.

I waited.

Another beat.

I had to smile. For how in your face her boyfriend was, I forgot how not in your face his girlfriend was. “Hey, just so you know.”

“Yeah?” She inhaled into the phone.

“I would’ve hung out with you tomorrow night anyway. Your guy didn’t have to ask me to do that.”

“I know.” A sigh. “But it’s nice to hear. But, okay. Here we go. Um, I was thinking that since Blaise doesn’t have a game tonight, and he just texted that Jordan and Zellman both weren’t in class so … would you and Cross be interested in a double date? With us, I mean. Tonight.” She rushed on, not letting me answer, “I mean. You know. It doesn’t have to be anything big or a lengthy time investment. Or, it can be short. We don’t even need to talk. We can do dinner and a movie. Yeah. Maybe a drive-thru so Cross and Blaise don’t have to talk, then a movie.”

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