Alpha's Promise - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,79

of it, kitchen to the left, enormous bed to the right, and a door that no doubt led to a bathroom. Movement caught her peripheral vision, and she turned to see him stride for the fireplace, which was already stacked with kindling and wood. The strike of a match on stone held an erotic tone she couldn’t explain, but her legs threatened to fail her.

He straightened and slowly drew his shirt over his head, tossing it on one of two chairs facing the fire. The firelight caressed the hard planes of his chest, gleaming off his smooth skin and emphasizing the dark hollows beneath cut muscles.

She tried to breathe, but her lungs were as much under his spell as her attention.

“Tell me you understand what I’ve said.” His strong hands moved to unbuckle his belt.

A thrill shot through her, pulsing erotically between her legs. She had to try twice to force words out. “Comprehension and acquiescence are two different animals.”

“Aren’t they, though?” he murmured, drawing the belt free and tossing it to the other chair.

Why the other chair? She tilted her head like a doe she’d once seen spotting an oncoming car. Her legs bunched, prepared to run, but there was nowhere to go. And she wasn’t entirely certain she wouldn’t run right for him, even though she couldn’t grasp exactly what was happening at the moment.

With the firelight so bright, the dark streaks in his hair became more prominent, badges of his time as a warrior. A time she couldn’t imagine.

At that thought, self-preservation finally took over. Drawing herself up, she ignored her aching body and turned to the door. “I think we had better reschedule this.” Her voice came out almost as hoarse as his. Walking like a newborn colt, unsure of her steps, she turned and strode for the exit.

No wisp of sound came from him. She felt a slight disappointment that caught her off guard, and then she was pinned from behind, pushed against the metal door and trapped in place by a rock-hard body that was all male. His chin brushed the top of her head.

“I wanted to let you be logical,” he growled, wrapping his hand around the front of her neck and grinding his hips against her butt. “Wanted to ease you into this life. But it’s too late for that. You said yes.” His other hand plunged down the front of her pants, finding her clit instantly. He stroked, and her legs gave out, but his body kept her upright. He pressed one finger inside her. “Come now.”

Time somehow slowed. The feel of the hard metal against her nipples, his even harder body behind her, and those relentless fingers all took over. An orgasm hammered through her with a brutal blast of heat and electricity. She threw her head back into his chest, crying out, closing her eyes as she bucked against him. She came down with a whimpered sigh, her body still shaking.

He applied pressure beneath her chin, lifting her head more and exposing her neck. “You ready to obey?” His rough tongue skimmed up her neck, and his fang caught her earlobe.

She opened her eyes to see the metal door. “No.” Then she held her breath.

He paused, one finger still inside her. “You want to leave?” His breath was hot against her ear.

“No.” The word burst out of her before she could think logically. This was about need. Forget the rest.

“Good.” He twisted their bodies, putting her against the tall back of the chair, facing the crackling fire. His cock, even in his jeans, ground against her backside with a demand she felt all the way to her toes. His big hand palmed her, stretching against her thighs. “Spread your legs more.” He nipped at her ear again.

She jolted, her fingers curling over the chair back. “I—”

He ripped her shirt over her head, and she ducked, the words stolen from her. A soft scrape of his fang against first one shoulder and then the other, and soon her shredded bra joined her shirt near the fire. “I told you to spread your legs.” He grasped one nipple and twisted just enough to demonstrate her precarious position.

Her legs quaked, and an orgasm loomed.

He withdrew his fingers a little. “Not yet. You come when I tell you to.”

The sound she made was all frustration. But the feeling of his hardness against her was too delightful to ignore. So she closed her eyes and rubbed against him.

The pinch to her thigh had her Copyright 2016 - 2024