Alpha's Promise - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,112

larynx. Blood coated his hand, burning him to the bone.

Niall yanked the broom from Promise and threw it over his head, lunging for her. He grabbed her by the neck and took her down. She slapped and fought him, but he started to strangle her.

Ivar roared, and his fangs dropped. Holding his prey tight, he struck, ripping half of the Cyst’s neck out with one strong pull. The Cyst soldier dropped to his knees and then fell forward, out cold. Ivar landed on his feet and jumped for Niall, tackling him off Promise and rolling him down the hall.

They both rose to their feet, panting and bleeding.

Promise coughed and struggled to stand, coming up on Ivar’s side. “Let’s get out of here.”

Niall smiled, his teeth bloody. “How was your trip to hell?”

“A little warm,” Ivar said, taking a step toward the Fae king who’d nearly caused his destruction. “But I did see my brother, so there was that.”

Niall held up both hands. “I’m not armed, and I can’t teleport.” He motioned his head toward Promise. “You should take her out of here before more Kurjans come. They really want her brain.”

Ivar’s rage settled hard and cold in his gut. The Fae king didn’t have a weapon, and this wasn’t a fair fight. But if Ivar let him live, he’d gain his ability to teleport again, and then what? “Are you the only Fae working with the Kurjans?” he asked, advancing another step.

Niall sighed. “Yes.” He wiped blood off his chin. “Most of my people aren’t interested in politics.” He motioned them away. “You really should go.”

Ivar smiled and enjoyed the way the color drained out of Niall’s face. “I don’t think so.”

Niall hesitated, his blue and brown eyes moving to Promise and back. “You wouldn’t hurt an unarmed man in front of your mate, would you? It’s not like I’m a threat.”

“But you could be.” In one smooth motion, Ivar punched through the ex-king’s chest and pulled out his heart. He squeezed the muscle into nothingness as the body dropped to the ground. Then he threw the heart toward the lockers and smoothly walked to the downed Cyst and removed the knife from his neck. The only way to kill Niall was decapitation. “Promise? You’re gonna want to look the other way, baby.”

Chapter Forty-One

Promise starting throwing up the minute Ivar grabbed her to teleport. Blood covered his face and neck, and she tried to turn away, but then they were traveling through space and time. Everything stopped, including her. Light came first, and then he released her. She bent over and vomited all over the grass near the lake.

Rain splashed down, cooling her heated cheeks. Her body lurched, and she emptied the rest of her stomach.

Ivar moved down the beach and bent to wash off his bloody hands. Then he turned toward her, his chest still bloody. The fierce blueness of his eyes cut through the gray storm, making him look like that ancient Viking she knew him to be. Deadly and primal. “You okay now?”

She heaved a couple of times, clutching her stomach. “Yes.” Walking around the mess on the sand, she crouched and washed her hands in the chilly water before splashing her mouth and face with lake water. The rain pinged off the lake, bouncing up at her. “Was that necessary?”

“Yes.” He grasped her arm and gently helped her to stand. “I’m sorry you had to see it.”

She hadn’t watched. The second he’d moved toward Niall with the knife, she’d heeded his words and turned away. But the bleak sound of cartilage and bone separating would always be with her, no matter how long she lived. While she understood Ivar’s reasoning, she just couldn’t look at him right now. “I need to brush my teeth.” She turned to the back entrance of the demon headquarters building.

Zane Kyllwood opened the doors and strode outside, rubbing a cut along his neck. Had he been at the fight? She hadn’t seen him. He nodded at Ivar. “Logan is in the medical building healing his neck. I already radioed that you’re safe.” A bruise above his left eye made him look even more dangerous than usual. “Dayne?”

Ivar shook his head. “Didn’t see him.”

Zane’s lips tightened. “A helicopter made it out. The bastard was probably on it. What about Niall?”

“Dead,” Ivar confirmed. “Head and all.”

Zane’s gaze flicked to Promise and then back to Ivar. “Thank you. He would’ve been a threat to the demon nation forever, especially since he’s been here at Copyright 2016 - 2024