The Alpha's Nanny - Sam Crescent Page 0,5

His wolf also liked being in the same room as her. Just by being close to her, he felt … better. He didn’t know how to describe what his body did, but he felt connected to her.

She smiled. “She’s a wonderful little girl. I am sorry about your mate. It must be so hard for you.”

“She wasn’t my true mate.” The words spilled from his lips before he could stop them.

“Oh, I thought mates were for life in the wolf world.”

“Most of the time they are. This wasn’t the case.” He didn’t like lying to her. “Do you have a mate?”


“Not one?”

She shook her head.

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s not hard to believe,” she said with a laugh. “They couldn’t stand me. I wanted to leave and not stay and fight. It’s not acceptable to them.” She sighed. “Besides, to them, I was too fat. To be any use to them, they’d need me to lose weight and I’m not changing who I am to satisfy men I don’t love.”

“Too fat?”

She smirked. “Come on, don’t tell me you don’t think I’m overweight.”

“No, I think your curves are sexy.”

“Oh,” she said.

He’d already said too much. This woman didn’t have any power over him, and he wouldn’t let it start now.

Her cheeks were a pretty shade of red. “Thank you. Describing me as sexy is really sweet. No one would ever say that about me.”

“Don’t think it will save you.”

“I won’t.”


“Are you used to threatening people?” she asked.

“Only those who get in my way.”

Daphne had fallen asleep at this point.

“If you don’t believe in violence and there’s no man in your life, what was it you did for fun?”

“When you found me, I was locked in a cage, a jail. If I was lucky, I got a book thrown at me.”

“Away from the fighting and pain, what were you like?”

“Are you trying to get to know me?”

“I need to know if I have to kill you,” he said. The lies kept on falling from his lips.

“Oh, right. Yes, killing me. You think about doing it a lot. When the wolves became known, I’d started delving into animal rights and laws. I’d recently gone vegan, and my parents supported me in my decision. I was fifteen and I thought I knew everything. Fast forward five years, well, I can see that life is not as easy as I thought it would be.”

“You were a vegan?”

“I still am. I always laughed about being an overweight vegan.” She smiled at him. “I love fries and plant burgers. They’re the best.”

He liked this side of her.

“You do know I find that disgusting,” he said.

“Is there a hint of a smile for me?” she asked.

He wasn’t going to offer her a smile or let her believe they were bonding. “No boyfriend?” he asked.




“You’re a virgin?”

She froze and quickly lifted the iron. “Er, excuse me.”

“With no boyfriend now or ever, it makes one believe you’re in fact pure.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I do. You’ve never known a man’s touch.” He stood up and moved behind her. Breathing in her scent, he was fucking addicted.

Sweet, untouched, pure.

She was sent to him and all he wanted to do was show her how dirty the world could really be.

“I’m going to put Daphne to bed.”

He left before he did something he’d regret.


Several days later, Winter noticed several changes to the fridge. Some of those being her plant-based favorites, including milk. For the first time in weeks, she made herself a cup of coffee. The scent alone made her smile.

She’d put Daphne to bed and she had a little radio thing, she couldn’t remember what it was called, that allowed her to monitor her.

She sat down on the sofa. There was a television but she didn’t want to draw attention to the house. Rocko clearly wanted her presence in his life a secret and she refused to be selfish near him. Sitting back, she relaxed.

The monitor was silent.

She blew across the top of her cup. The steam rose after she’d stopped blowing. Time ticked on by. Rather than be annoyed with nothing to do, she felt at peace in a way she hadn’t for days, if not weeks. Working for him wasn’t so bad.

He wasn’t always around either. Most of the time, she was alone, and she liked it that way.

Sipping at her drink, she waited.

What did Rocko think about having her in his home? She knew she was the enemy, at least to him she was.

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