Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,79

dad never really settled down. He dated—a lot. And well, even in my family, it was always men, there weren’t a lot of women around and if they were, they weren’t around a long time.”

He sits back in his chair then. He seems like maybe he’s just had an epiphany. He’s shaking his head and I can’t help but think that I know he says he’s over it, his mother passing, but I don’t know if that’s truly the case. He starts to speak, and then clears his throat. “So, what else? Tell me everything about you. I want to know it all.”

I act like I don’t know he’s trying to change the subject, but what he just told me about his mom and his past tells me a lot about who he is. Finally, a little more at ease, I tell him about me.

Before I know it, two hours have gone by. When I hide a yawn behind my hand, I apologize to him. “Sorry, it was a long shift.”

He stands up, holding his hand out to me. “C’mon, I’ll take you back to your car.”


I tell her I’m going to take her back to her car, but I don’t want to. I don’t want this to end. When we get into the truck, I ask her, “Can I show you something?”

She looks at me oddly. “Uh—”

I start to laugh. “I just want to show you something. My favorite place. It’s just three minutes from here.” I wait for her to answer. “Please?”

She finally nods her head. “Okay, yeah, sure.”

She leans back in the seat and I drive only a few minutes down the road. I take a side entrance to the park, down a dirt path. The truck bounces as we hit the potholes in the unpaved road.

Her hands land on the dashboard. “Baker, I don’t think --” And then she gasps.

We come to an opening and there’s a field that overlooks the river and all the lights of downtown. It’s breathtaking and it’s my favorite place to come to. I wanted to share this with her.

She turns to me, all smiles. “It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen downtown like this,” she exclaims. And I imagine she hasn’t. Being a cop, I’d say she’s probably seen the town at its worst probably.

We sit there, quietly, taking in the sight. I don’t want to disturb her. I remember when I saw this for the first time and I don’t want to take that away from her.

Minutes go by and she reaches across the seats and puts her hand over mine. It’s the first time we’ve touched that I didn’t initiate. I turn my hand over and lace our fingers together. When I look over at her, she’s staring at our hands. I squeeze hers, wanting her to look at me. She lifts her face and I don’t know which of us lean first, but we lean toward each other. She licks her lips and I hold in my groan. I’m afraid to talk, to move to fast, to do anything. I don’t want to scare her off. When our lips finally touch, it’s like a dam breaks. I’m flooded with feelings of euphoria and need. I try to restrain myself, hold back, but when she opens her mouth to me, deepening the kiss, I take it.

I pull her across the seat until she’s pressed up against me. The kiss could put me over the edge, but I know her body next to mine definitely will. I put my arms around her, and her nipples are tight peaks rubbing against my shirt. I can’t help it; I reach for her, palming her breast, and instead of pulling away, she gasps and presses farther into my hand. I caress her, wanting to feel her bare in my hands. She moans and my hand slides down her body along her thick thigh and caresses the juncture of her legs. She opens to me and as soon as I touch her jean-covered pussy, she gasps and closes her legs.

I jerk away from her, panting. “I’m sorry, too fast too soon.”

She doesn’t respond and we both try to catch our breath. I’m afraid I pushed her. “I’m sorry, Heather. I shouldn’t have.”

But she just shakes her head. “No, really, it’s okay. I wanted it too, but maybe we can save something for our next date.”

I lean my head against her temple. “So you’ll go out with me? On a real date?”

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